Anonymous ID: 8074a4 May 13, 2018, 4:13 p.m. No.1401376   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1393 >>1428 >>1434 >>1483 >>1529 >>1547

>>1400101 13 - #1755 "Be Cool" Edition

>>1400224 >Message for the Monarchy?

>>1400123 >Tarot down from 11

Preface: important to understand that, (like architecture & organite in #1755) the tarot is a TOOL - as such, it can be used for good or evil.

Almost all of what is shown to us as the (((Tarot))) is a perverted version of the original (more or less) Tarot of Marseilles, which has many differences (obvious & subtle) than These inferior versions. None more so than the Card # 13.

Following is an excerpt from The Way of Tarot - the Spiritual Teacher in the Cards by Alejandro Jodorowsky, a living master of the Tarot. Note that Jodo uses the cards as a tool for personal (& some may say, collective) transformation โ€”



XIII - The Nameless Arcanum - Profound Transformation, Revolution

The most widespread error concerning this Arcanum (aka TRUMP card) is the one made by the superficial tradition that has give it the meaning, and sometimes the name, of โ€œDeath.โ€

The weight of this inaccuracy has weighed heavily upon the interpretation of Arcanum XIII.

Of course, the central figure we see here is the scythe-wielding skeleton that represents death in popular tradition. However, there are numerous elements that allow us to move away from this simplistic interpretation. On the one hand, XIII does not have a name. After the emptying and deepening work achieved by The Hanged Man โ€˜โ€™(see pic 1)โ€™โ€™, the XIII invites a RADICAL PURIFICATION OF THE PAST, a revolution that takes place in the nonverbal or preverbal depths of the individual (and potentially, collective), in the shadow of the black terrain, that unknown region of ourselves, from which emerges, โ€˜โ€™like a matrix, our humanity''.


On the other hand, we can note that 13 is not the last # of the Major Arcana (aka Trump Cards) series but is located slightly past the middle.

If this card represents an ending, it would probably have the # 22 (aka HRC).

Its position at the heart of the Tarot prompts us to see it โ€˜โ€™as a work of cleansingโ€™โ€™, a revolution necessary for the renewal and the ascent that follows after it (aka Great Awakening?), one degree at a time, toward the total realization of The World (aka WW) (see pic 3).


Furthermore, this numbered but UNTITLED card echoes the Fool, who has a name but no number. โ€˜โ€™(see pic 2)โ€™'

The similarity of the postures of the 2 figures is obvious: the skeleton of Arcanum XIII could be that of The Fool seen on an X-ray.

We can deduce from this that these 2 Arcana (TRUMP Cards) represent 2 aspects of the same fundamental energy. But if The Fool is 1st and foremost an advance, a contribution, a liberation, XIII evokes work similar to plowing (aka digging) or a harvest, preparing the terrain for a new life.


Here again an obvious clue takes us away from the simplistic interpretation: this skeleton is flesh-colored, the preeminent color of ordinary life. This is the skeleton we carry inside of us, the bone, living essence, and structure of all movement, and not the skeleton we leave behind us when we depart this life.


Key Words โˆ†โˆ† Change โˆ† Mutation โˆ† Revolution โˆ† Anger โˆ† Transformation โˆ† Cleansing โˆ† Harvest โˆ† Skeleton โˆ† To Cut โˆ† Advance โˆ† To Eliminate โˆ† To Destroy โˆ† Rapidity โˆ†โˆ†


The black ground on which XIII is working is reminiscent of the โ€˜โ€™nigredoโ€™โ€™ of alchemy, or the mire from which the lotus emerges in Buddhist tradition. It is the color of the unconsciousness, emptiness, deep mystery. On it we see 2 Heads.

We do not know if Theyโ€™ve been cut off โ€” in any case, the skeleton is supporting itself on Them in order to keep moving forward.

We can also see unattached Feet and Hands on the black ground. Have They also been cut off?

>end excerpt

Sound familiar? Quite different interpretation on the XIII than what weโ€™ve been taught, isnโ€™t it?

Sounds to me #13 could be a LUCKY number, yes? (depending on who You are, that is)


If "Symbolism will be Ttheir downfall" & we "are watching a movie",

then one could make the case that the Arcanum (>>1116344) XIII (13) would mark the climatic scene of Ttheir story.

Hope this helps.

Anonymous ID: 8074a4 May 13, 2018, 4:46 p.m. No.1401675   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1718


Wish it was as easy to read Their "Terms & Conditions" without having a $500/hr attorney on speed dial.

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>Even deeper are the very subtle "analytics" scripts that GOOG has embedded within websites, guising a tremendous overreach of data mining under the convenience of statistical analyses



ever try dooble?