Anonymous ID: 968aff May 13, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.1401295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1318



You are replying to a known (((JIDF))) member. Recognize.


Italy’s 5-Star, League Reach Deal Clearing Way For "Anti-establishment" Government




"Back on March 4, the Euro was spooked and Italian bonds tumbled, if only briefly, following the shocking outcome from the Italian elections which saw the eurosceptic 5-Star party and the anti-immigrant League party win an outright majority. The only thing that prevented an even more violent reaction was the market's "expert" take that a joint Italian government between these two forces was highly unlikely.Well, as of this moment, a coalition government between the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement and right-wing League party is no longer not only likely, but appears to be a virtual certainty after the two political forces reached an agreement on a government program, one which was catalyzed by Sylvio Berlusconi's blessing late last week, greenlighting what may be the biggest shock in European politics since Brexit."


Fire rises in Italy

Anonymous ID: 968aff May 13, 2018, 4:20 p.m. No.1401444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1463 >>1696



Notable, Baker


I also warned anons saying Q's reddit link is DIRECTLY on target. We are dealing with state actor level (((shills))) not limited just to (((JIDF))) in this case, though those are still at the top of the leading role every. single. time.


Make sure to spot those who scream the loudest about defending (((israel))) or certain races such as those that are obviously popping up in all circles as criminals and ((cabal)) pawns #1.


(((they))) fake their way into certain position as 'victims' etc then begin asserting their 'special victim rights' etc. This board has LITERALLY become JIDF professional (((shill))) demonstration 101, same pattern as (((msm))), etc.