Anonymous ID: b25509 May 13, 2018, 3:51 p.m. No.1401169   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Excellent bread, baker.


A brief thought on how ((cabal)) operates and manipulates nations, people, etc and how (((shills))) NEVER pass up a chance to dig at races and people in order to further their (((globalist diversity agenda))):


'"Koreans give up their gold to help their country"'




"South Korea has exported the first shipment of 300 kilograms of gold collected in a public campaign to help the country out of its economic crisis. The nationwide campaign - led by large business groups including Daewoo, Samsung and Hyundai - began on January 5, and involved ordinary Koreans donating personal gold treasures, which have been melted down into ingots ready for sale on the international markets. Kate Liang looks at the phenomenon of public self-sacrifice to save an economy in trouble:


It's an extraordinary sight: South Koreans queuing for hours to donate their best-loved treasures in a gesture of support for their beleaguered economy.


Housewives gave up their wedding rings; athletes donated medals and trophies; many gave away gold "luck" keys, a traditional present on the opening of a new business or a 60th birthday.


The campaign has exceeded the organisers' expectations, with people from all walks of life rallying around in a spirit of self-sacrifice. According to the organisers ten tons of gold were collected in the first two days of the campaign.


But perhaps the most extraordinary aspect of the campaign is not the sums involved, but the willingness of the Korean people to make personal sacrifices to help save their economy. The managing director of the IMF, Michel Camdessus, who has just completed a visit to Seoul, was clearly moved by the campaign, calling it "admirable". "


Notice here. For those of you who may not fully understand the context, in 1997, South East Asian Financial Crisis hit hard economies such as taiwan and south korea, the so called 'asian tigers'.


Now this particular campaign was exceptional in boosting morale of a shell-shocked nation and enabling SK to make a relatively quicker exit from an economic depression.






watch carefully how gold prices began to SLUMP starting 1997 and through 1999. Barely even 300 dollars per troy ounce. It's running at 1300 USD + right now.


This was a regional crisis, so there is that (((excuse))) and (((cover))) to pass this off as a (((cohencidence))). Never mind the fact that they call it the London Gold Price Fix. PRICE FIX. Get it?


(((they))) LOVE rubbing this shit in the world's faces.


South koreans rallied to give up their personal holdings and jewleries to help their national government pay off dozens of billions in foreign (((IMF))) loans, ranging at about 60 billion+ USD at the time that was issued for 'bail out'.


The interest payment annually on that is around 2-3 billion USD.


Even if all south korean citizens rallied to put together 100 metric tonnes of gold shipment to the markets to help pay off the interest on loans to IMF (never mind the principle and is actually x10 times the amount mentioned in the article), they could have only covered perhaps less than 1 billion USD in annual interest payment. Possibly less than a third of the actual interest being charged by IMF.


5% is the key here. ((roth)) number.


((cabal)) engineers the crash. (((they))) prey upon certain propensities of the people in question and use the very 'strengths' (collective action, strong national identity in case of 1998 south korea) AGAINST the target.


It certainly looks like it was a child's play to swindle south koreans of their hard won, cherished family heirloom and treasures to 'help out their country' - which in this case, by even the most optimistic measures, could not even help cover 1/3 of the interest payment to the (((IMF))) annually,


The (((cohencidence))) of the gold bottoming out during 1997-1999 period while precious gold (read Q drop: skin of the Gods according to ((roths))) was being eagerly surrendered under this guise to the (((globalists))) and general kikery seems incredulous to those south koreans, even if it seems obvious to us westerners.


If any korean anons are reading this, they need to spread this idea. This is important. Too many coincidences.