I see that as a bonus because it's mostly people I don't like that have taken the experimental gene therapy.
So what did the faggot fbi have on him in the first place to give him a deal?
Maybe I didn't phrase it right or you misunderstood my question. I know they just fabricate and make shit up. What did they have against the guy who fabricated the lie in order to jail Assange? What did he have hanging over his head in order to be manipulated?
Patrick Byrne is a fucking patriot you smooth brained nigger.
So go back to /pol and don't come back you waste of flesh.
The best news I've heard here since the last Q post. Go back to /pol and infect them.
You filterfaggots actually waste the time to filter? Filter with your mind. It's quicker, easier and will make you less ghey.
So fucking true.
See you next bread filternigger
So go the fuck away. Go find fungus and exchange notes on hormone therapy and how to dilate properly.
Same exact results here fwiw.