Anonymous ID: 346ab7 June 29, 2021, 8:38 a.m. No.14014088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4100

>>14013029 pb


>anons snyone interested in digging on Senior Executive Service?


This is all I have, but it's old and don't have links, and I never did anything beyond this.




October 13, 1978: The Carter admin created the Senior Executive Service (SES), Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act, reforming the federal civil service purportedly due to Watergate. It disbanded the U.S. Civil Service Commission, assigning its services to four new agencies: the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) and the Senior Executive Service (SES). An ambiguous and not well known program, it enables and covers for Deep State and contractor racketeering, theft, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, fraud, treason and sedition by keeping the list of those involved and their salaries secret. In the last paragraph of its APPENDIX NO. 2 "Plum Book" policy published by House and Senate Committees, its personnel cannot be hired or fired by the President. The UK's CERCO is an arm of this program, having controlled the U.S. patent office since 2006 (to steal technology to be weaponized, their old method begun with Tesla's Wireless) because it is the SES that awards it the contracts. Serco has been awarded contracts to work in all levels of government in the U.S. and it is also international. In essence, Britain has gained control of the U.S. government–it IS the Deep State, and all those in Deep State, effectively work for Britain.


The SES has "supergrade" civilian personnel who have the same ranks as high officers in the military, such as generals and admirals. It has been involved or controlled the National Academy of Public Administration; the Small Business Administration; the Immigration and Naturalization Service; has personnel in the U.S. Department of Justice such as in Prisoner Services, U.S. Marshals Service, also working directly under the Attorney General; controls Construction Management and Budgets in the U.S. Department of the Interior; involved in the Office of Civil Rights; the U.S. Department of Education; Human Resources, Veterans and Labor Group; and the Office of Personnel Management. The SES was involved with Eric Holder in the Asset Forfiture Fund appropriating assets from people or companies. This just touches on their control.

Anonymous ID: 346ab7 June 29, 2021, 8:39 a.m. No.14014100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>14013029 pb



>anons anyone interested in digging on Senior Executive Service?


This is all I have, but it's old and don't have links, and I never did anything beyond this.




November 7, 1979: San Francisco Mayor Dianne G.B. Feinstein tried to create an SES for her city, hiring Touche & Ross LLP (now Delloitte & Touche) to lobby for it. Touche & Ross LLP were being paid by the federal Office of Personnel Management (OPM) of the SES newly formed by Carter's Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978. Among the Carter appointed SES's first director first acts was to apply this federal program to state level and to major cities, violating the Hatch Act, which states federal employees are prohibited from using federal funds to influence local and state elections. Feinstein, Touche & Ross and OPM tried to apply the federal OPM the program at and under a city control, seeking to use it to influence municipal elections.


November 18, 1980: The House of Representatives published its first "Plum Book", listing over 8,600 SES employees, titled Policy and Supporting Positions. Among the names on this list were Bruce Babbitt, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Holbrooke, Patrick Kennedy, Edmund Muskie, Thomas Pickering, Sharon Rockefeller, Brent Scowcroft, Paul Volcker, Christopher Warren, IBM'S (International British Machines) Thomas Watson, Jr. of the Moscow branch.


November 22, 1984: The House of Representatives published another "Plum Book" listing over 8,000 SES employees titled Policy and Supporting Positions. Among those on the list are Richard Armitage, James Baker, Robert Bork, Stephen Breyer, Joe DiGenova, Ruth Ginsburg, Edwin Meese, Ted Olson, Antonin Scalia, Jeff Sessions, Ken Starr, Casper Weinberger.


November 10, 1992: The Senate published another list of the SES with over 8,600 names. Among the names are James Baker III, Robert Bork, Elaine Chao, Richard and Lynne Cheney, Francis Keating, Scooter Libby, Robert Mueller, John Roberts, John and Nelson Rockefeller, William Sessions.


November 4, 1996: Another Senior Executive Services (SES) list was published. Among the names, Madeleine Albright, Bruce Babbit, Ashton Carter, Warren Christopher, James Clapper, John Deutch (CIA Dir.), Rahm Emanuel, Geraldine Ferraro, Louis Freeh, Merrick Garland, Timothy Geithner, Dennis Hastert, Elena Kagan, Patrick Kennedy, John McCain, Cheryl Mills, Walter Mondale, Janet Nepolitano, Leon Panetta, Deval Patrick, Janet Reno, Bernie Sanders, Joe Scarborough, Donna Shalala, George Stephanopoulos, Larry Summers, George Tenet, Linda Tripp.