maybe quit listening to people who helped the government do extremely illegal activities all over the world and kill without legal authority, but won't disclose or kill some of these traitors. No they benefit further and get your adulations while helping, aiding, and working for your government who is doing this to you. If you served and call yourself a hero, but have not come forward with all you know, you are a traitor and no hero at all. Just a run of the mill he made me do it criminal. These guys can kill me sure, but what does it matter, the government is going to kill me soon enough.
writing letters, call your elected officials send them an email and vote, none of it works or is effective. Why get angry, you don't want anything but, more of the same ( do not act on your freedom and liberty, let someone else do it). If he showed anger, the masses might be compelled to act, the timing is not right, nor that outcome desired. Just rope a dope, not art of war. When you have billions and private security, and mercenaries' protecting you, you don't need to get angry.