gayness check - please reply
Why do you think radical liberals are so confident that conservatives won't start dropping them like wet socks in the streets?
Proof the vaccine was legit. Why? because without the vaccine people would've still had to wear masks constantly.
Now they are back in control with a fake variant. The vaccine deployment by Trump was an unforeseen event in their plans. They did not take into account that Trump would mobilize forces to get a vaccine out that quickly. They had to regroup and rethink a new campaign for control and lockdown and this is it.
We will have to do more than hold rallies. They are trying to scare the public by making examples out of the "insurgents".
We have no leader - that's the problem. There is no "HQ" where the orders are expedited. Even retarded liberals like antifa and racist thugs like BLM have HQs where instructions are dispatched - conservatives have no such leadership. all we have are boyscout GOP talking heads vomiting phrases like "this is unacceptable" and "they should be ashamed" and "it's a terrible thing" - THAT'S ALL WE HAVE. We're just waiting….and waiting….for what?
…liberals get in faces - they surround the incumenbents and make demands. Conservatives do nothing - we wait…just wait until someone comes in to save us.
Breaking news: that is not going to happen. The squeaky faggots get the $$ and the goodies and we are silent. How good is a silent majority if you just stay silent and you KNOW your vote doesn't count?
We waited for Q - nothing
We waited for Trump- nothing
We waited for Sessions - nothing
We waited for Horowitz - nothing
We waited for Huber - nothing
We waited for the military - nothing
We waited for the election - nothing
and now we're waiting for "audit results".
We've been conditioned to wait.
-Liberals will not stop until they get what they want
-BLM will not stop until they get what they want
-Antifa will not stop until they get what they want
-The UN will not stop until they get what they want
-Democrats will not stop until they get what they want
-China will not stop until they get what they want
Can any anon here tell the rest of us who is going to stop them all?
Do you think that "audit results" and even a "reversal of the presidential election" will solve anything? What exactly will a Trump second term yield?
More lawsuits against Trump
More fake scandals against Trump
More false flags
More division
More waiting for Durham
When Q said "biblical", he meant a complete wipe out. This is bigger than any presidential election - a world-ending event has to happen so prepare because nothing is going to stop it from happening - it's too late.
Most individual's redlines exist at their front doors and when they come knocking, it's too late because we will be divided - individuals fighting to defend our homes. Once someone decides to make that fateful decision to defend their home against clowns, they will be made an example of and (just like with the capital rioters), others will be dissuaded from doing the same because of that example.
We are waiting for too long.
Why aren't we storming the media instead? Isn't the media the root of all evil in the world?
Prove me wrong.