Anonymous ID: c9c6d5 June 29, 2021, 10:31 a.m. No.14014889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4955 >>4978

Arizona Senate Briefed About CRITICAL Information and Materials Still Being Withheld by Maricopa County Officials – STAY TUNED!


The Arizona Senate has been briefed about critical information and materials still being withheld by Maricopa County.


On Monday evening the Audit War Room tweeted a breaking update.


The Arizona Senate has been briefed about critical information and materials still being withheld by Maricopa County. Stay tuned!


They must be referring to Dominion routers and administrative passwords. Maricopa County officials withheld this information and these materials from audit officials in defiance of subpoenas since January 13, 2021.


The forensic report is expected to come out in early August.


They will check to see if there were any fraudulent ballots cast, switching of votes, or deleted databases, but they need the routers and passwords in order to complete this portion.


The Audit count will not be released today. However, Christina Bobb reported that we are hoping to have a statement as early as this week.

It appears the Arizona Senate may be forced to take legal action. Stay tuned.

Anonymous ID: c9c6d5 June 29, 2021, 10:32 a.m. No.14014901   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fauci Lied to Congress on Why Trump Canceled Wuhan Lab Funding that He Kept Funding Anyway


Dr. Fauci should be out of office and indicted if America still had equal justice under the law.


In the latest developments, the megalomaniac and White House’s Chief Medical Advisor was caught lying to Congress about the funding of the Wuhan virology lab in China.


According to the latest reports Fauci was caught lying after claims he falsely denied knowing the reasons behind President Trumps’s decision to cut funding to the Chinese virology lab behind the COVID pandemic.


Fauci has a long history of flip-flops and lies.

It is unexplainable why he is still holding a seat of power in the American medical hierarchy.


Rep. Warren Davidson and other Republicans of conscience have called for Fauci’s removal for several months now.


Via The Daily Mail.


Dr Anthony Fauci was accused of lying Sunday after claims he falsely denied knowing the reasons behind President Trumps’s decision to cut funding to the Chinese lab accused of releasing COVID-19.


The White House‘s chief medical advisor initially resisted Trump’s order to halt taxpayer funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology in April 2020, according to an upcoming book, before telling a house committee in June that he ‘didn’t know the reason’ behind the then-president’s decision.


However, Fauci’s account is contradicted by ‘verbatim’ quotes which show he was fully aware Trump took the decision out of concern about the lab’s safety record and fears it was the source of the COVID pandemic, included in the new book ‘Nightmare Scenario: Inside the Trump Administration’s Response to the Pandemic That Changed History’ by Washington Post journalists Yasmeen Abutaleb and Damian Paletta.


Fauci’s politics and lies likely resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Why is this man still in government?

Anonymous ID: c9c6d5 June 29, 2021, 10:33 a.m. No.14014915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feds Investigating Rudy Giuliani Over ‘Improper’ Lobbying For Turkey – But Hunter Biden Gets a Pass for Billion-Dollar Deal with Chi-Coms


The feds are now investigating Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani over ‘improper’ lobbying for Turkey.


Where have we seen this before?


This probe is a separate investigation into his Ukraine lobbying.


ABC News reported:

Former President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani is facing a federal inquiry over possible improper lobbying for Turkey, a source familiar with the matter told ABC News.


The Justice Department’s inquiry is separate from the criminal investigation into Giuliani’s activities in Ukraine, the source said.


It wasn’t immediately clear when this inquiry, first reported by Bloomberg, began.


Rudy Giuliani was suspended from practicing law in the totalitarian state of New York on Friday.


The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court said it was “immediately suspending” Giuliani’s license.


The New York Times says it was because he made “false and misleading” statements on the stolen 2020 election.


This is 2021 in the United States banana republic.


And why then are the feds not investigating Hunter Bide for his billion-dollar deal with the Chi-Coms?

Anonymous ID: c9c6d5 June 29, 2021, 10:37 a.m. No.14014945   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Texas Lieutenant Fired By Sheriff Who Campaigned for Biden After Attending Trump’s Jan. 6 Rally, Despite Never Entering Capitol


A detention lieutenant was fired from the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office in Texas for attending the Trump rally in DC on January 6, even though she never entered the Capitol.


Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar, who fired Roxanne Mathai for attending the rally, campaigned for Joe Biden during the 2020 election.


Mathai had posted about being at the rally on social media, but never entered the building. She even specifically posted that she had no desire to enter the building and break the law.


Though she was simply exercising her First Amendment rights and attending a rally hosted by the then-President of the United States, Sheriff Salazar immediately began publicly condemning her.


“A day after the riot, Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar said Mathai was under investigation both criminally and administratively and that his intent was to not have Mathai ever return to work for BCSO, where she was promoted to detention lieutenant last summer,” local station KSAT 12 reports.


Speaking to the Gateway Pundit, Mathai said that “since the interview, I received my arbitration hearing date….the hearing in which I fight for my job back. It’s a process we follow through our Collective Bargaining Agreement. My arbitration hearing is August 25-26, 2021. It’s a slow moving process. I believe this was nothing more than a political move on Sheriff Salazar’s part. And in my opinion there is no room for political bias in the sheriff’s office, in any sheriff’s office. We should remain focused on our actual tasks that we were sworn in to do and nothing else.”


“After my interview with OAN, Sheriff Salazar felt the need to re-run the old story all over again on a local station KSAT12 in which he had it emphasized that he ‘terminated me as promised.’ Since that interview, I have received even more derogatory text messages, voicemail, and messages on social media,” Mathai continued.


Mathai also received massive support through a GiveSendGo fundraiser that was launched to help her fight back.

Anonymous ID: c9c6d5 June 29, 2021, 10:38 a.m. No.14014954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Joe Biden Illegitimately Took Over” – President Trump’s Spokeswoman Liz Harrington


President Trump made a great choice in Liz Harrington as his new spokeswoman. She is articulate, smart and she speaks the truth.


Harrington was on with David Brody, host of ‘The Water Cooler’, and she spoke with the courage and honesty that Mitt Romney’s niece, Ronna McDaniel could never do. When speaking about the Trump rally this past weekend, Harrington shared:


They get it. Just like their chant, they announced “Trump Won”. That’s what they wanted to hear about. They wanted to hear about what’s happening to our country and the six months since Joe Biden illegitimately took over. President Trump laid it all out there and the energy, I can tell you from being on the ground was palpable. It’s a powerful movement that isn’t going anywhere in fact it’s just getting stronger by the day. Because we have the truth on our side. We love our country and we’re not giving up on it. President Trump made that very clear.”


BOOM. She is outstanding!

Ronna McDaniel could never do this. Harrington was smart and courageous and believes what she is saying. The election was stolen.

Anonymous ID: c9c6d5 June 29, 2021, 10:42 a.m. No.14014994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli police clash with Palestinians trying to prevent demolition of Arab-owned shop in East Jerusalem


Israeli security forces have used rubber bullets and tear gas against Palestinians, who were trying to stop the demolition of an Arab-owned shop in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan on Tuesday.


A bulldozer, escorted by police and border guards, arrived outside the Harbi Rajabi’s butcher shop two days after the expiration of the Israeli municipality’s deadline for more than a dozen Palestinian families to demolish their own homes.


The municipality, which wants to develop a park in the area, says the houses were built illegally. But the Palestinians claim that they had no other choice as getting an Israeli construction permit has been made almost impossible for them. They insist that it’s part of a deliberate policy by the Israeli authorities, aimed at driving them out of Jerusalem, which is claimed as their capital by both Jews and Palestinians.


The protesters, including the owner of the shop and his relatives, confronted the security forces, but were met with rubber bullets and tear gas.


The clashes saw 13 Palestinians injured, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent. The police said that two of its officers were also hurt by stones that were thrown at them.


Three people were arrested for disorderly conduct and assault following the scuffles. The owner of the shop and his son were among those detained, Palestinian WAFA news agency said.


cannot handle


The butcher shop was eventually knocked, with its demolition reportedly facilitating access to the rest of Silwan’s illegally built homes.


One of the Palestinians, who used to work at the shop, told Reuters that the livelihood of 14 family members depended on it. “We have no other way to support our families,” he said, adding that he would now be forced to look for a new job from scratch.


A plan to evict Arab families from another East Jerusalem neighborhood, Sheikh Jarrah, was among the causes of the most serious flare-up in years between Israel and Palestinian armed group, Hamas, in May.


According to the UN, the 11-day exchange of fire between the two sides resulted in the death of more than 250 people in Gaza, including 66 children. In Israel, 12 people, including two children, were killed by rockets coming from Gaza.