Anonymous ID: dd0b81 June 29, 2021, 9:43 a.m. No.14014547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4590 >>4616



Man who fired shots from balcony thought he was in game like ‘Grand Theft Auto,’ Boca police say


A Boca Raton man charged with attempted murder after he fired at police from his balcony told investigators he thought someone had poisoned him and that he was being controlled like a character in a video game.


Kyle Raymond, 25, was arrested Sunday afternoon at his apartment in the 6700 block of Congress Avenue. A 911 caller reported a man with a gun was acting “unstable” and screaming in the parking lot.


Police heard gunshots as they arrived. Two bullets hit a police car shielding two police officers, the police report says. One round went through a tire of the car while the other pierced the roof. If one officer was still in the car, “this round would have likely struck him,” the probable cause affidavit says.


Raymond eventually came out and was arrested.


A search of his fifth floor apartment found a handgun on the kitchen counter, two rifles leaning against the bed, a loaded rifle magazine and loose bullets, the probable cause affidavit says.


Raymond told police he owned approximately six guns.


Police say Raymond admitted to firing 13 rounds from a .40-caliber Sig Sauer P229 handgun from his balcony into the sidewalk below. Raymond told police he may have fired another round into the roof of his apartment.


After police arrived, Raymond said he fired approximately two .223 Remington rounds from a Ruger rifle into the police car. He said he aimed for the car but didn’t know whether an officer was in it.


“He thought he was in a video game similar to ‘Grand Theft Auto,’” the probable cause affidavit says.


Raymond had vaped Delta #8 THC he purchased at a smoke shop, the affidavit says.


“He believes someone poisoned him,” an officer wrote in the report. “He believed that he was being controlled in a video game. He believed that his actions were being controlled by someone else.”


Delta #8 THC is chemically similar to, but less potent than, cannabis, according to the National Institute of Health’s Library of Medicine. Effects of the drug can include pain relief, sleepiness and, in some cases, difficulty breathing.


Delta #8 THC is legal is most states, including Florida, although some states are attempting to ban it. Some studies of the substance have turned up harmful heavy metals such as lead, according to a recent study from the U.S. Cannabis Council.


Raymond’s mother called police on Saturday and reported that her son was acting erratically, the arrest report says. Details on that incident were not available Monday. Raymond’s mother could not reached for comment Monday.


Raymond told police he works as a cashier at Heritage Smoke Shop in Boca Raton. A man who answered the phone there Monday said Raymond used to work at the store, but he had not showed up to work in four days. He declined to comment more.


Raymond was charged with two counts of first-degree attempted murder of law enforcement officers, a felony, and unlawful discharging of a firearm, a misdemeanor. The attempted murder charges could bring a sentence of 30 years to life in prison, if convicted. He’s being held without bond.


Raymond had vaped Delta #8 THC

“He believes someone poisoned him,”

He believed that his actions were being controlled by someone else.”

Anonymous ID: dd0b81 June 29, 2021, 9:50 a.m. No.14014592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4595 >>4597


Cyber Ninja CEO Leading GOP's Hoax Audit of Arizona Election Appears in QAnon 'Documentary'


The head of the “Cyber Ninjas,” the group commissioned to carry out an ultra-partisan, comically inept “audit” of 2020 votes in Maricopa County, Arizona, is also starring in a documentary claiming the CIA helped rig the elections for Joe Biden, according to Arizona reporters who attended a screening.


Cyber Ninjas is a previously little-known firm that Republicans in the Arizona Senate contracted to do an extensive recount of votes in Maricopa County. There’s no evidence of any fraud there, as confirmed by local election officials’ own audit, and the exercise has mainly taken the form of increasingly ludicrous attempts to prove Trump actually won the county with nonsensical techniques like searching for Chinese bamboo in paper composition or attempting to invalidate ballots that were folded in certain ways. Cyber Ninjas failed in court to shield its process for conducting the audit from public scrutiny. (The whole thing is a farce, as the election results are certified and won’t change.) The company’s CEO, Doug Logan, is an outspoken conspiracy theorist who believes Biden somehow stole the election.


The Arizona Republic reports that The Deep Rig, a film that asserts shadow operatives within the U.S. government stole victory from Trump, premiered at Dream City Church in Phoenix on Saturday. For most of its runtime, it features Logan as an “anonymous technical expert.” But get this—there’s a shocking reveal! The Republic wrote that the crowd, which paid $25 for tickets, broke out in applause when the movie finally reveals the identity of its expert:


Toward the end of the movie, Logan’s identity was revealed, to loud cheers from the approximately 500 people who bought $25 tickets to attend. Others downloaded the movie online for $45.


Logan said in the film, “If we don’t fix our election integrity now, we may no longer have a democracy.”




At various points in the film, the AZ Mirror reported, Logan claimed that the CIA or other intelligence agencies may be involved in promoting “disinformation” about the elections, and claims technical expertise in voting machines. The Deep Rig reiterates easily debunked, hoax claims from a firm called Allied Security Operations Group that a county in Michigan used voting machines that were “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.” At several points, the film reportedly makes overt references to QAnon, the conspiracy theory which asserts Democratic politicians and Hollywood celebrities are behind a globe-spanning cabal of pedophile Satanists.



Anonymous ID: dd0b81 June 29, 2021, 9:50 a.m. No.14014595   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Deep Rig is just the latest entry in what has effectively become an entire genre of films catering to Trump revanchists who refuse to believe that he lost his re-election bid without the intervention of some nefarious cabal, be it Democrats, the Chinese government, or even the Italian military. The first one to take off was MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof, a stream of hallucinatory drivel that baselessly asserted an election tech manufacturer allowed Chinese hackers to flip votes for Biden and which is now one of the factors in a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit. Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of, has been giving Lindell a run for his money in the race for top home furnishings magnate to bilk the most money out of pro-Trump donors. He wrote the original book version of The Deep Rig and says all profits from the film will go to fund the audit.


According to the Arizona Republic, Byrne said that the producers had difficulty finding any other venue to stream the film but that anyone willing to pay $1 a seat (for $500 minimum) could host their own viewing. He added, “This has been priced so patriots can make money. What we want is people to do this a lot around the country.” (The AZ Mirror estimated minimum revenue from the 2,500 people who paid $45 to stream the film at $115,000).


The director of the film, Roger R. Richards, made a film in 2018 claiming that extraterrestrials were behind the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center, according to Business Insider.


That Logan would appear in the film despite overseeing the audit should come as no surprise whatsoever. While he’s consistently insisted that the outcome of the audit will be fair, the Arizona Republic reported he’s openly acknowledged his bias towards the predetermined conclusion Trump lost the elections because of fraud. Logan has previously stated he believes Trump, who lost the state of Arizona to Biden by a margin of nearly 10,500 votes, actually won the state by 200,000 votes, and the audit has never been much more than a nakedly partisan attempt to throw out as many votes as possible to reach that desired outcome. In May, the Justice Department warned Republican leadership in the Arizona Senate that Cyber Ninjas may be violating federal voting and civil rights laws.


The Associated Press reported as of last week that Cyber Ninjas, which is far behind on its original timeline for the audit, has finally finished counting and photographing 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa County. But former Arizona secretary of state Ken Bennett, a Republican, told the news agency that they still had to subject data from voting machines and servers to additional evaluation and Cyber Ninjas might not issue a report until Labor Day.

Anonymous ID: dd0b81 June 29, 2021, 9:56 a.m. No.14014631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4640



your a daniel bot faggot just look at the gibberish shit you post


what if you stopped living in the closet ?

elephant butte not moist

tries pillow biter talk


madcow tranny pandering for alien probe


it all started with a loud bang and a ball of light in the sky one night in alamo+gordo


private tunnel is overly cucked by joshua buttgehy

10/10 do not bang


tweaker frat cuck wants pedobigot rally drinking time planned



just a sample of a few of your shitposts


Anonymous ID: dd0b81 June 29, 2021, 10:24 a.m. No.14014829   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'Arrest Bill Gates': Protesters Descend on Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation HQ


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Protesters in London called for Bill Gates to be arrested on Saturday as they gathered outside the U.K. headquarters of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as part of a larger protest against COVID-19 lockdown measures.


Videos circulating on social media on Tuesday appeared to show dozens of protesters outside the Gates Foundation's HQ in the British capital. They can be heard shouting "Arrest Bill Gates!" several times. Other social media users who were present at the protest also said demonstrators had been to the foundation's HQ on Saturday.


Gates, the founder of Microsoft and a multibillionaire, has been at the center of unfounded conspiracy theories involving the COVID-19 pandemic and the development of a vaccine.


In the 19-second video, some of the protesters can be seen carrying anti-vaccine flags and some are holding placards.


One woman is holding a sign with a blown-up front page of The Sun newspaper featuring a photo of former British Health Secretary Matt Hancock kissing his then aide, Gina Coladangelo.


Hancock resigned following revelations of his affair with Coladangelo, citing the fact he broke COVID rules by kissing and touching her in May.


The protesters shout "Arrest Bill Gates!" repeatedly though it is not immediately clear what crime the crowd may be accusing him of. However, Gates has become a magnet for conspiracy theories in relation to the pandemic.


The Microsoft co-founder told Reuters in January that he was surprised to find himself as a subject of conspiracies along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).


"Nobody would have predicted that I and Fauci would be so prominent in these really evil theories," Gates said. "I'm very surprised by that [and] I hope it goes away."


Among the unfounded claims made about Gates was the idea that he wanted to use COVID vaccinations to implant microchips in people. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledged around $1.75 billion to the worlwide pandemic response efforts, according to CNBC.


This included funding for vaccines and provided fuel for those making baseless claims about Gates. In June 2020, Gates said: "It's almost hard to deny this stuff because it's so stupid or strange that even to repeat it gives it credibility."


Three people were arrested as a result of anti-lockdown protests in London on Saturday, according to The Guardian newspaper. Three police officers were assaulted and sustained minor injuries, while tennis balls were thrown at the Houses of Parliament in Westminster.


Other protests also took place in London over the weekend, including a separate demonstration against the government on Saturday and an Extinction Rebellion protest on Sunday.


Chief Superintendent Karen Findlay of London's Metropolitan Police, who was in command of the operation, said: "The significant majority of those protesting today engaged in a positive manner with our officers. We did experience small pockets of antisocial behavior in Whitehall which involved missiles being thrown at officers, but these were dealt with quickly and effectively."

Anonymous ID: dd0b81 June 29, 2021, 10:51 a.m. No.14015083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5092




Posted on December 14, 2020 by admin

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Valerie Biden Owens (Joe Biden’s sister) is married to John Owens. His brother, R. Kevin Owens who is founder of Staple Street Investors which owns Dominion Voting. Staple Street Capital is a private equity firm founded in 2009 based in New York. The co-founders Stephen D. Owens and Hootan Yaghoobzadeh.


This is obscene. Another bombshell censored by the totalitarian Democrat-media-cabal.


Related: HIDDEN Archive on Dominion Owner Staple Street


For more background :LOOK Who Owns Dominion Voting Systems: Politically Motivated PRIVATE Equity NY Hedge Fund


Look at the Biden wedding announcement in the New York Times so we know the Times know.


Dominion is part owned by Joe Biden’s brother in law.


Valerie Biden Owens (Joe Biden’s sister) is married to John Owens. His brother, R. Kevin Owens is a part owner of Dominion.


Marriage details at link:


— Polish Owl 🇵🇱🦉 (@polesowa) December 12, 2020