came across the concept of maintaining population under 500mn in the most unexpected place recently and it reminded me of the guide stones. theres a valid argument to be had about there being too many people on the planet, but if that was the end goal its the people in power that would decide how, when, and why to cull the herd.
6.5bn people harvested, global balance returned after a hard transition period. population maintained in balance with what the planet can sustainably provide. countless billions of people in future generations then get to live in peace, harmony, and balance for ever and ever.
its the trolly problem on a macro scale. you decide.
this is supposedly from the time of "jesus".
>"This Earth can nourish and support five hundred million people of all human populations. But if these laws are not followed, in two times a thousand years there will exist ten times five hundred million people, and the Earth will no longer be able to support them.
>"Not until two times a thousand years will an unassuming man come
who will recognize my teachings as truth and disseminate them with
great courage.
>But Jmmanuel spoke, "Nowhere is a prophet valued less than in his own country and in his own house. This will prove true for all time, as long as humanity has little knowledge and is enslaved by the delusionary teachings of the scribes and distorters of scripture.
>"Yet, before the end of two times a thousand years the new prophet will reveal my falsified teachings to small groups, just as I teach the wisdom, the knowledge and the laws of the spirit and of Creation to small groups of trusted friends and disciples.
>"But in two times a thousand years they shall be taught anew without falsification, when humans become sensible and knowledgeable, and a new age heralds great upheavals. "And it can be read in the stars that
>"It will be two times a thousand years before the time comes when my teachings will be preached anew, without being falsified. This will occur when false doctrines and erroneous cults, when lies and fraud, and when deception by the conjurers of the dead and of spirits, by the soothsayers and clairvoyants, as well as by all the charlatans of the truth, will be at their peak.