Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 4:40 p.m. No.14017481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7495 >>7530 >>7556 >>7812 >>7879 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

President Trump’s Alabama Rally Cancelled Just Days Before His July 3rd Speech — Park Commissioner Cancels the Event After 45th President Was Invited as Guest Speaker


A speech by President Trump at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park was nixed on Tuesday after park commissioners said no partisan events are allowed in the park.


The commissioners made the announcement just 5 days prior to the speech.


They asked Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall his opinion on the event over a month ago. Marshall wrote his response on June 16th. The letter to Marshall was not received until June 14th.


The USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park Commission Chairman is Bill Tunnell who said he nixed the event when Trump was invited to be the guest speaker.


NBC 15 reported:


NBC 15 News has learned an event featuring former President Donald Trump as the keynote speaker that was being planned for this Saturday at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park was nixed after park commissioners became wary.


“After the request was made, then there was contact with the Republican Party, they contacted us and then it became apparent that it was going to be a partisan political event, rather than just a patriotic event planned for that evening,” commission chairman Bill Tunnell.


Tunnell says commissioners sought an opinion from the attorney general’s office in late May. NBC 15 News obtained Attorney General Steve Marshall’s June 16th response, which notes their letter was dated May 26th , postmarked June 11th and received June 14th. “Due to the imminence of the date of the proposed event, my Opinions Division is unable to timely respond with an official position,” Marshall wrote. But he went on in the letter to cite case law that says parks may be used for political events provided access is “available for all political parties and candidates on an equal basis.”


The state park has been used for political events previously.

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 4:42 p.m. No.14017497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7812 >>7879 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

Canada Has Added More US Far-Right Extremists To Its List Of Banned Terrorists


Canada’s government on Friday added more American neo-Nazis to its list of banned terrorist groups, yet another sign that the country is going further than the United States when it comes to recognizing such white supremacist extremists as threats.


The additions follow Canada’s designation of the Proud Boys and other US-based far-right extremist groups as terrorists in February.


The newly prohibited groups include:


The Three Percenters, an American anti-government militant group with a growing presence in Canada. The group’s name, according to the Anti-Defamation League, stems from the dubious historical claim that only 3% of American colonists fought against the British in the Revolutionary War. At least six members of the group have been charged in the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol. Citing materials given to reporters at a press conference, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation said the Canadian government referenced the roles of two members in the plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last year.

James Mason, a Colorado-based neo-Nazi who has advocated for lone actor attacks against the US government to foment a white revolution. Mason has also shared tactical instruction on how to run terrorist groups and is the author of a 1980s manual that is popular among extremists across the world. The Canadian government also noted Mason’s ties to the violent neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division, whose members have been linked to several killings.

The Aryan Strikeforce, a UK-based white supremacist group with chapters in Canada and the US that advocates for violence to overthrow governments and start a race war.

An ISIS affiliate based in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Bill Blair, Canada’s minister of public safety and emergency preparedness, said in a statement the designations are an important tool to help authorities keep pace with evolving threats and global trends.


“Recent events should remove any doubts about the serious threat posed by ideologically-motivated violent extremism,” Blair said. “Intolerance and hate have no place in our society and the Government of Canada will continue to do all we can to keep Canadians safe from all threats, including terrorism and violent extremism.”


Designating a group or individual as a “terrorist entity” under Canadian federal law makes it illegal for people to join and collaborate with the groups. It also grants the government the power to freeze the assets of people involved with the groups and charge anyone who financially or materially supports them. It can also make it easier for authorities to get online content posted by the banned extremists removed.

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.14017505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7812 >>7879 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

The COVID Scandal Is Coming Undone: Wuhan Lab Caught Hiding Source of Coronavirus As Far Back As 2013 As US Gov. Covers Up Links


The COVID-19 coverup is slowly unravelling as more information comes to light.


All the way back in 2013, Chinese virology experts discovered a SARS-like coronavirus which is currently the closest known related to the COVID-19 virus.


Since then, Chinese scientists have made it difficult for researchers to learn anything about this virus sample or the origins of COVID-19, with the support of the Chinese government.


In 2013, virologists discovered a “needle in a haystack” after taking samples from a distant mine where six workers had previously been ill with a SARS-like disease that bore many of the same hallmarks as COVID-19.


“It was one of 16,000 bats we looked at. We took a fecal sample, put it in a tube, filled it with liquid nitrogen, and returned it to the lab. Last year, Peter Daszak, the president of EcoHealth Alliance, told the Sunday Times, “We sequenced a short fragment.”


Daszak is better known as the scientist who facilitated the U.S. government grant to fund the bat research at the Wuhan lab, which is a suspected site where COVID-19 originated.


Since the discovery in 2013, Chinese researchers have “obfuscated” the virus by changing its name from RaBtCoV/4991 to RaTG13 just as the virus began to emerge worldwide in February of 2020.


The revelation comes on the discovery that a U.S. government database previously deleted genetic sequencing information about the COVID-19 virus at the request of Chinese researchers in May of last year.


The Wall Street Journal and other publications have attempted to send reporters to the location of the mine where the original sample was collected, but the area has been sealed off by the government.


“A Journal reporter reached the mine by mountain bike but was later detained and questioned for about five hours by police,” says Journal, “who deleted a cellphone photograph of the mine. Villagers told the reporter that local officials had warned them not to discuss the mine with outsiders.”

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 4:46 p.m. No.14017522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7562 >>7812 >>7879 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

I took the vaccine, realise my mistake and want to live. What can I do now?


Number one. Don’t have any more shots of any kind. The offer of booster shots shows that the vaccine effects will wear off if you can get through it.


Number two. If you’re a smoker, quit now. Or drinker etc.


Read advice from Dr Mercola and then Jim Stone. And then I add my own thoughts coming after many decades of dealing with the effects of poisoning from agricultural chemicals which, when I was a child, caused damage to my DNA. Step one is to cut out all the toxic and stressful things in your life – as best you can. And in turn give yourself the best nutrition, positive experiences that you can. Filtered water. Organic foods. Stop using toothpaste and use saline instead. Exercise a little if you can, stay within your limits. Cut down on your exposures to mobile phones, cellphone towers, wifi and other electrical impurities.


First Dr Mercola.


If you got the vaccine and now regret it, you may be able to address your symptoms using the same strategies you’d use to treat actual SARS-CoV-2 infection.


I’ve written many articles over the past year detailing simple strategies to improve your immune system, and with a healthy immune system, you’ll get through COVID-19 without incident. Below, I’ll summarize some of the strategies you can use both to prevent COVID-19 and address any side effects you may encounter from the vaccine.


•Eat a “clean,” ideally organic diet. Avoid processed foods of all kinds, especially vegetable oils, as they are loaded with damaging omega-6 linoleic acid that wrecks your mitochondrial function. Linoleic acid has been shown to increase mortality from COVID-19.


•Consider nutritional ketosis and time-restricted eating, both of which will help you optimize your metabolic machinery and mitochondrial function.


•Implement a detoxification program to get rid of heavy metals and glyphosate. This is important as these toxins contribute to inflammation. To improve detoxification, I recommend activating your natural glutathione production with molecular hydrogen tablets.


A simple way to block glyphosate uptake is to take glycine. Approximately 3 grams, about half a teaspoon, a few times a day should be sufficient, along with an organic diet, so that you’re not adding more glyphosate with each meal.


•Maintain a neutral pH to improve the resiliency of your immune system. You want your pH to be right around 7, which you can measure with an inexpensive urine strip. The lower your pH, the more acidic you are. A simple way to raise your pH if it’s too acidic (and most people are) is to take one-fourth teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or potassium bicarbonate in water a few times a day.

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 4:47 p.m. No.14017534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7588 >>7672 >>7812 >>7879 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

Many Marines, Police, NFL, Nurses Refuse COVID Shot


Why Are Millions Refusing Coronavirus Vaccine In US, Europe And China? says thousands of US service members are refusing or putting off getting the COVID-19 “vaccine”. It reports that thousands of healthcare workers in Europe are refusing the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot because of concerns over side effects and efficacy. It reports that people in China and India also have concerns about the injection.


Survey: More than half of FDNY firefighters say they will refuse COVID vaccine shows that a survey polled over 2,000 FDNY firefighters and found that around 55% said they will not get the shot.


Almost One-Third of US Troops Are Refusing COVID Vaccines, Officials Say


48,000 Marines Have Turned Down COVID-19 Vaccine, Corps Says reports:


“Members of II Marine Expeditionary Force, based in North Carolina, have been about twice as likely to decline the vaccine compared to personnel on the West Coast or in Japan. The Marine Corps has offered the vaccine to about 29,300 II MEF personnel. About 17,500 — or nearly 60% of them — have turned it down. That decline rate is compared to about 28% of the 30,600 Marines assigned to I MEF on the West Coast and about one-third of the 22,400 Marines assigned to the Japan-based III MEF….


Vaccine hesitancy isn’t limited to the Marine Corps or the military community. About 30% of Americans polled by the Pew Research Center in February said they were unlikely to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Participants cited the quick speed at which the vaccine was developed or lack of information about how well it’ll work as top reasons they would opt against it.”

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 4:50 p.m. No.14017555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7812 >>7822 >>7879 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

Secretary of State Blinken meets Pope Francis as US bishops consider whether to block Biden and Democrats from receiving communion for supporting abortion


Pope Francis on Monday held talks with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who was visiting the Vatican in the wake of a decision by American Catholic bishops that could lead them to deny Communion to President Joe Biden.


Blinken is the highest-ranking U.S. administration official the pontiff has met since Biden's inauguration in January.


Pope Francis voiced affection for the American people as he met at length with Blinken, the Vatican said, without indicating whether the two discussed the sharp divide among U.S. bishops over giving Holy Communion to politicians supporting abortion rights like President Biden.


Biden is the first Catholic president since John F. Kennedy.


The pontiff accorded Blinken a substantial chunk of time, especially in view of a government official who isn't a national leader.


The audience in the Apostolic Palace 'played out in a cordial atmosphere,' a Vatican spokesman, Matteo Bruni, said. 'It lasted about 40 minutes, and it was for the pope, the occasion to recall his 2015 visit and to express his affection and his attention to the people of the United States of America.'


Bruni was referring to the pontiff's U.S. pilgrimage, which included a meeting at the White House with then President Barack Obama. In recent years, the U.S. church hierarchy has been increasingly more polarized about U.S. politics and politicians.


The visit follows a conference at which U.S. Roman Catholic bishops voted to draft a statement on Communion that may admonish Catholic politicians, including Biden, who support a woman's right to abortion despite opposing the practice personally.


The bishops decided to move forward with the document, mostly disregarding a Vatican warning that it would be highly divisive.


Conservative U.S. bishops have been clamoring for clear directives against giving Holy Communion to U.S. political figures who are Roman Catholics and support women's right to abortion. Vatican teaching forbids abortion as a grave sin. This campaign has put the spotlight on Biden, a Catholic who has said that while he personally opposes abortion, he supports abortion rights.

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 4:52 p.m. No.14017563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7812 >>7879 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

DHS Mayorkas Is Inviting Deported Migrants Back into the U.S.


President Joe Biden’s deputies are trying to bring back many deported migrants regardless of the damage to ordinary Americans, according to official statements given to the pro-migration Marshall Project website.


“We’re eager to bring people back in who shouldn’t have been removed in the first place,” an official told the website for a June 29 article, adding:


The officials say that many deportations, especially under President Trump, were unduly harsh, with little law enforcement benefit. They are working to devise a system to reconsider cases of immigrants who were removed despite strong ties to the United States.


The article suggests that Biden’s deputies will exclude violent and criminal migrants but are eager to welcome deported migrants who violated laws barring illegal entry or illegal employment.


“They have complete and utter disregard for Americans, for the rule of law, the American way of life, for Americans jobs, for American wages, for all of the things that we have as Americans have said that we want,” responded Rosemary Jenks, the policy director at NumbersUSA. “They also have total disregard and disdain for us as taxpayers, because we have to pay for all of this,” she added.


The Biden push spotlights the pro-migration officials’ disregard of the laws which guarantee Americans’ right to their national labor market. Those laws — although often violated or ignored by companies and agencies — exclude foreign migrants and require CEOs to compete for Americans’ labor. The bargaining is described in a June 27 article in the New York Times:


Amy Barber Terschluse, the owner of three [Express Employment Professionals] franchises in St. Louis, handles mostly [hiring for] manufacturing, distribution and administrative jobs. Wages, hours and a short commute are what matter most to job seekers, she said, and few would work for less than $14 an hour.


Ms. Terschluse said she had also had to educate employers, who have gotten used to low wages and the ability to dictate schedules and other conditions. Some employers, she said, have also gotten into “a vicious cycle of replace, replace, replace.”


In industries like hospitality and warehousing, annual turnover rates can surpass 100 percent, which can pare overall growth. Mary C. Daly, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, said good job matches between employers and workers produced the most productivity and engagement.


Biden’s invited migration provided employers with roughly 100,000 job-seekers in May. If continued, it will flood the labor market and wreck Americans’ ability to bargain for the higher wages they need for their families and housing.

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 4:54 p.m. No.14017573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7595 >>7700 >>7812 >>7879 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

TLC drops Duggar family, ‘Counting On’ after Josh’s child porn arrest


The Duggars are done.


TLC, the network that aired the various iterations of “19 Kids and Counting” and the follow-up show “Counting On,” has dropped the Duggar family following Josh’s arrest on child porn charges.


“TLC will not be producing additional seasons of ‘Counting On,’ ” the network said in a statement to The Post. “TLC feels it is important to give the Duggar family the opportunity to address their situation privately.”


The eldest Duggar child, 33, was arrested on April 29 and charged with receiving and possessing child pornography at his home in Arkansas. The disgraced father of six pleaded not guilty and was released on bail despite Homeland Security Special Agent Gerald Faulkner admitting that the files allegedly found on Duggar’s devices were some of “the worst of the worst” that he has ever seen.


Duggar was given a trial date of July 6, 2021, but on Tuesday, the date was pushed back to November 30, 2021, Fox News reported. He awaits trial while reportedly staying in a self-contained space in the home of a third-party custodian — a family he knows through his church. He is allowed to see his children when his wife, Anna — who believes he is innocent — is present.

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 4:57 p.m. No.14017591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7812 >>7879 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

Wuhan Alum Pushing ‘Natural Origins’ Theory Now Works At Lab Receiving Millions From Chinese Communist Companies Including TikTok.


The Australian research institute employing COVID-19 “natural origins” theory promoter Dr. Danielle Anderson – an alum of the Wuhan Institute of Virology – has received multi-million dollar donations from Chinese Communist Party-linked companies and foundations including TikTok, The National Pulse can reveal.


Anderson – the last and only foreign scientist to have worked in the Wuhan Institute of Virology – appears to be the latest Western scientists downplaying the possibility of COVID-19 tracing its origins to the Wuhan lab.


“She still believes it most likely came from a natural source,” a Bloomberg profile notes. And these comments have earned her praise from Chinese Communist Party officials, including Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin:


Many scientists in the international community who uphold science, reason and objectivity, including Dr. Anderson, have expressed unequivocal opposition to politicizing the origin-tracing by some in the US.


Dr. Anderson also said that there were strict protocols and requirements at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and entering and exiting the facility was a carefully choreographed endeavor. Responding to the Wall Street Journal report which claimed three researchers from the lab were hospitalized with flu-like symptoms in November 2019, she said no one she knew at the Wuhan institute was ill toward the end of 2019.


Beyond her personal ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology potentially clouding her analysis of COVID-19’s origins, Chinese Communist Party-linked entities including TikTok and Alibaba founder Jack Ma’s personal foundation funneled millions of dollars to her current employer: the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity and the University of Melbourne.

Prior to joining the Doherty Center, Anderson served as an Assistant Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School, where she authored studies bolstering the Chinese Communist Party’s narrative that frozen food imports were contributing to COVID-19 cases in China.

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 5 p.m. No.14017607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VIDEO: National File Reporter Andrew White Talks To Magnet People At Bethany Beach, Delaware



Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 5:11 p.m. No.14017667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7680 >>7812 >>7879 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

China is certified malaria-free by the WHO


China is the first country in the WHO Western Pacific Region to be awarded a malaria-free certification in more than 3 decades.


Following a 70-year effort, China has been awarded a malaria-free certification from the World Health Organisation – a notable feat for a country that reported 30 million cases of the disease annually in the 1940s.


"Today we congratulate the people of China on ridding the country of malaria," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.


"Their success was hard-earned and came only after decades of targeted and sustained action. With this announcement, China joins the growing number of countries that are showing the world that a malaria-free future is a viable goal."


China is the first country in the WHO Western Pacific Region to be awarded a malaria-free certification in more than 3 decades.


Other countries in the region that have achieved this status include Australia (1981), Singapore (1982) and Brunei Darussalam (1987).


"Congratulations to China on eliminating malaria," said Dr Takeshi Kasai, Regional Director, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office.


"China's tireless effort to achieve this important milestone demonstrates how strong political commitment and strengthening national health systems can result in eliminating a disease that once was a major public health problem. China's achievement takes us one step closer towards the vision of a malaria-free Western Pacific Region."


Globally, 40 countries and territories have been granted a malaria-free certification from WHO – including, most recently, El Salvador (2021), Algeria (2019), Argentina (2019), Paraguay (2018) and Uzbekistan (2018).


China's elimination journey


Beginning in the 1950s, health authorities in China worked to locate and stop the spread of malaria by providing preventive antimalarial medicines for people at risk of the disease as well as treatment for those who had fallen ill.


The country also made a major effort to reduce mosquito breeding grounds and stepped up the use of insecticide spraying in homes in some areas.


In 1967, the Chinese government launched the '523 Project' a nationwide research programme aimed at finding new treatments for malaria. This effort, involving more than 500 scientists from 60 institutions, led to the discovery in the 1970s of artemisinin the core compound of artemisinin-based combination therapies, the most effective antimalarial drugs available today.

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 5:20 p.m. No.14017727   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4 gang members charged with sex trafficking underage girls following ICE HSI, local law enforcement investigation


HOUSTON — Four Houston-area gang members are in custody following the return of a federal indictment for allegedly sex trafficking underage girls.


The investigation was conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Houston, the Houston Police Department and the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, as part of the Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance (HTRA).


Clarence Chambers, aka Chris, 29, is expected to appear today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Peter Bray. Also charged are Javon Opoku, aka Glizzy, 20; Damarquis McGee, aka Lil Blue, 23; and Andres Portillo, aka Andro, 20. Portillo is set for an initial appearance on July 1 at 2 p.m., while McGee and Opoku are set for their initial appearances on July 6 at 10 a.m.


The defendants are charged with trafficking young runaway girls on what is known as the “Blade” or the Bissonnet Track. This is an area near Southwest 59 Freeway and Bissonnet Street in Houston where traffickers commonly place their victims.


According to the indictment, the defendants worked to recruit underage teenage girls and forced them to engage in sex acts for money in cars and hotels around the Blade. They allegedly passed around or reassigned victims amongst one another, taught each other “the pimp game” and required the young girls to walk the Blade and sell their bodies. They also kept the proceeds, according to the charges.


The indictment further alleges if any of the girls wanted to switch between pimps, they would have to pay an exit fee or get “beat out” to do so.


Some of the defendants also allegedly required daily quotas each night from their victims. If the victims failed to meet their daily quotas, they were severely punished through beatings and humiliation, according to the indictment.


If convicted, Chambers and the others face a minimum of 15 years and up to life in federal prison.


Established in 2004, the HTRA is multidisciplinary human trafficking task force made up of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, prosecutors and social service organizations that target human trafficking organizations, while providing a comprehensive array of services to those who the traffickers victimized. Since its inception, the HTRA has been recognized as both a national and international model in identifying and assisting victims of human trafficking and prosecuting those engaged in trafficking offenses.


Assistant U.S. Attorneys Richard Bennett and Kate Suh are prosecuting the case.


HSI is a directorate of ICE and the principal investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), responsible for investigating transnational crime and threats, specifically those criminal organizations that exploit the global infrastructure through which international trade, travel and finance move.

Anonymous ID: 006a2f June 29, 2021, 5:31 p.m. No.14017793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7812 >>7862 >>7878 >>7879 >>7945 >>7957 >>8061 >>8134

NY Mayoral Candidate Eric Adams Demands Explanation After 150K Vote 'Irregularity' Narrows Lead


Hours after the New York City's Board of Elections released an updated ranked voting tally for the Democratic Primary which showed frontrunner Eric Adams' lead shrinking considerably, BOE officials acknowledged a 'discrepancy' in the ballot count.


At issue: on the day of the primary, the BOE reported just under 800,000 votes with 96.6% of scanners reporting. On Tuesday, however, the tally was 941,832 votes - nearly 20% higher, according to PIX11.


The new figures narrows Adams' lead over former sanitation commissioner Kathryn Garcia to just 51.9% (368,898) to 48.9% (352,990) - while there are still 100,000 absentee ballots which need to be processed, and could tip Garcia over the top.


In response, Adams' campaign fired off a statement questioning the count, and demanding an explanation for the "irregularities."


"The vote total just released by the Board of Elections is 100,000-plus more than the total announced on election night, raising serious questions," reads the statement. "We have asked the Board of Elections to explain such a massive increase and other irregularities before we comment on the Ranked Choice Voting projection."