I'm not 'religious' either. I believe in God. I respect the Bible, but understand it's been messed with.
So frankly I find it ridiculous to generalize and say bullshit like this.: >>1402566
Evangelical? Bitch, please….HARDLY.
Stop trying to roll everyone into a narrative that fits your preconceived, rude and quite frankly fracking stupid comments off to a liberal hotbed.
You don't know jack about anyone on this board, and people say CRAZY SH*T to deflect from anyone figuring out who the fuck they are.
Learn our comms or gtfo.
Stop generalizin us. Like a leftist leftard asshole would. (and no, just being dem doens't make you a fucknuts. Lots of repubs are too….my guess is you're one)
With that said, no, I don't believe we're biblically predicted. That's kind of out there for me, no issue with anyone believing it as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. However, I happen to be one of the sensetive ppl assholes like you will be CLINGING TO when it hits the fan, for guidance. Have fun on your own, because sadly it doesn't apprear you'd even take the help, which would still be offered. Because I acutally care about my fellow man, and feel not the need to go around slapping in them in the face as you so clearly love doing.
God don't like ugly…..your heart seems ugly af, "anon." Shill.