Anonymous ID: 315262 June 29, 2021, 8:49 p.m. No.14019285   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ThanQ for presenting the truths, Anon. NO different than Donna Brazille, paul Ryan…


While Mockingbird & its rotten clown ENTERTAINER have SUCCEEDED in distracting from what SHOULD be non-stop headlines, Lin Wood keeps on fighting while puttng his everything on the line - Election Integrity being just one of his battles.

Latest example of him calling out compromised, pussy "politicians":


Lin Wood Previously, I endorsed Chuck Clay over Anthony Bouchard in the election to replace the evil Liz Cheney.

I received a phone call from Mr. Bouchard this morning in which he sought to question my endorsement.


I explained that for me, my litmus test is that a candidate must demand and fight for full forensic audits of the November 2020 election in each state. Voting integrity is THE most important issue before this country and cost is not relevant. We The People must know the TRUTH.


Mr. Bouchard made clear that in his opinion, the November 2020 election in Wyoming was the gold standard and no audit was necessary. He later admitted that Wyoming used ES&S ballot markers in some counties and used ES&S vote tabulators for counting paper ballots.

I told him that Wyoming must do a full forensic audit as the ES&S machines were as susceptible to fraud as the Dominion machines. I cited to him the October 11, 2020 findings of Federal Judge Amy Totenberg holding that it was not a matter of if fraud would occur but only when it would occur regarding the Dominion machines.


Mr. Bouchard did not agree to fight for audits in ALL states so my mind remained unchanged. I asked him to further consider the issue.

I am informed that Chuck Clay supports full forensic audits in all states.

So my endorsement of Mr. Clay stands.


Mr. Bouchard told me that he won re-election to his current political position in the November 2020 election in Wyoming.


I do not understand why Mr. Bouchard posted this tweet below (pic related) after our call but I will leave it to others to seek an answer to that question.


We must fight to fix 2020. We The People demand that 2020 be fixed because We The People demand honest elections in ALL states. Jun 29 at 23:19

(twt pic)


Earlier he posted regarding the corrupt Crooked and Gates lawyers.