auditthe plan
plan theaudit
Gina became a star
auditscreate variants in the sacred election results
George knows firing squads are necessary for resolving certain delicate matters
well… Kav fuggin worked with Bill Barr to help cover up 911… soooooo
now Barr goes blind and Kav gets drunk on deep state beer
They both had their chance to redeem themselves and do the right thing. Choices have consequences
and when you own free and clear, you still pay property tax to the state… cuz duh tenants must pay their rent to the land owner or their men with guns come to git ya
where muh 4th amendment rights… cough cough
heck… wuts a few extra dolluhz when freedom is on the line
can be made alchemically by distilling liberal sheeet into its wet and dry components then running it thru cock shun cycles