Anons comfy?
Relax. It's going well out there.
Ignore shills and clowns.
Filter if you must, I personally filter repeat offenders. I'm not interested in all that nonsense. But I hardly ever filter and barely ever post.
You fags are my news source.
Notables look awesome most of the time. This place is under constant attack and monitoring. Try to just stick to what the autists do. Tread between the lines.
Read lightly the dogged words of your antagonizers.
Have faith in humanity, people are seeing the light in these dark days.
Trump is still with us. So is the military. Even I can see that.
Most of you need to listen to the art of war. It helps me understand what's important and what's not.
We are the only free speech on the internet that's safe enough to maintain a social media, fact checking back channel to the Q team.
Carry on shipmates
America and HUMANITY world wide.