I'm grateful to have a job, but what a shitty day. I sure could use a pep-talk. With President Trump telling Patriots of the importance of voting in the 2024 election, I'm just down and pissed-off. I Almost quit my job today. The bosses announced that if you don't have the vax or vaxes, you have to wear a mask when moving around. You can talk face to face with an employee if you're sitting but when you stand up you need to put on a mask. I felt like a fuckin traitor wearing the mask to go to the bathroom. It's against everything I stand for. It feels like the next command will be that whenever you stand up you have to flip-off the American Flag. It seems like that's coming next. The BLM/Trump-hating co-workers were literally fist-pumping and cheering the announcement of mandatory masks. This is how we lose, with pussies like me who don't stand up to the bosses and BLM co-workers and say "Take this job and shove it, I refuse!" I want to see public hangings of those who fought against God and Country all these years. Not just to see these demons suffer but also to know that Justice is respected and meted out in this great Land. I pray in the Name of Jesus that the evil forces fighting against us everyday are crushed and banished to the fires of hell. And I pray for more love, patience and courage in this fight. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
Thanks so much for your kind words, humor and inspiration, Patriots. I appreciate it more than you know.
>What if you were being monitored 24./7?
"Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365. Literally." Q post #1337