Now I know why kids cry when they get a shot.
It's not the micro-second of pain.
It's the fact they are getting jabbed with an unknown substance.
Kids know.
Now I know why kids cry when they get a shot.
It's not the micro-second of pain.
It's the fact they are getting jabbed with an unknown substance.
Kids know.
Met a neighbor today.
And his dog.
Some kinda mix breed - of hunting dogs.
He says, dog goes out in the morning and travels - who knows how far - but always comes back with a kill and plops it on the doorstep.
I need to get me one of those!
I do have a neighbor that is very worrisome.
She is relatively young - not ugly - but not cute.
She has weird taste in men.
They are all scroungy, dirty, rotten, heathen scum.
They come out late at night and work on their dilapidated yard/house.
Screaming and yelling profanities at each other.
Flashing bright flashlights all over and doing picking up garbage from around the neighborhood. Fixing them up and placing them around the yard.
I'm perplexed and irritated by this.
Are we talking meth here?
I've tried some shit. But I would never touch meth or heroin.
>>14018100 (prev)
Evident that everything the main-stream is pushing is 100% against the will of God.
Maybe this is the end of the beginning.
Think about it.
What if?
We had a president - that
Outlawed faggotry in all it's forms.
Disbanded all of corrupt government agencies.
Decried that we are a nation Of God and those that disagree would be banished.
Immigration would be halted until further notice. All illegals deported.
Shut down all social media.
Eliminated all propaganda media.
Imprisoned all evil doers.
Fought and destroyed all enemies.
Held press conference every morning, at the appropriate tie, to worship God - together as a nation.
Unemployed and convicted all the elite and their minions that have infected this world.
How would that go?
wtf is going on?
what do we need - some AI to scrape and publish no-tables?