Let me explain.
" Will i not punish Jerusalem for her images ? "
You are watchin' a movie
My Birthday 06/06
Saturn is the 6th planet
The black box of Saturn
Australia's iconic Kingswood when sat in the passengers seat by a woman annointed by God 'Esther' became, Hollywood
Pedophillia ? The owner of the car was convicted of that, am I ? No, however i've known plenty, AS A VICTIM
So, there you go,partial explanation, for the Americans who have run this op, they can know they have interupted in Gods work & Gods plan to the point Trump will not be returned back to power unless God wishes & given his abuse of me that is highly unlikely.
God still loves me, even if all the others dont
As for Hollywood, Andrew & I havent been together since i was able to move out & certainly he is doin'everything he can to remove me from existence entirely
Every single person close to me has betrayed me, every, single one, as prophecied
Jerusalems destruction