I see an immense danger and I speak of it so that "he who has ears for whole" at last understands. So, unknown friend, read my reflection carefully between the lines…
There are three currents of thought that seem to have become, consciously or not, the cultural heritage of most and which in my opinion resemble a sort of subtle mass counter-initiation.The first to provide the means was Hegel in the lord-servant dialectic (Herrschaft und Knechtschaft), a famous "figure" of the Phenomenology of the spirit: it describes, in narrative form, the meeting of two self-conscious beings who give life to a "struggle mortal "before one enslaves the other, only to discover that his superiority does not assure him of the control of the world he had tried to obtain. It is a story (or myth) devised by Hegel to explain his idea that self-awareness rises dialectically to become what Hegel identifies as absolute knowledge or Spirit or Science.
The dissemination of books, articles, forms of cultural "education", television broadcasts, films, in short, everything that constitutes the world "cultural" information agency, is based on these drifts of thought carried out by De Sade, Marx and Nietschze : a triad in which each in its own way has influenced how at the moment we look at the world and interpret it. As in the time of Luciano di Samosata, where the interest of a very large number of individuals was for the kynikòs bios, the cynical life on a practical level, and not for the theoretical deepening and their re-elaboration, so in our times, systems philosophical such as those mentioned above interest and involve masses of people for the suggestions they give to escape from their conditions, a means for their "liberation".