Anonymous ID: 701e31 June 30, 2021, 6:01 a.m. No.14020796   🗄️.is 🔗kun









I see an immense danger and I speak of it so that "he who has ears for whole" at last understands. So, unknown friend, read my reflection carefully between the lines…


There are three currents of thought that seem to have become, consciously or not, the cultural heritage of most and which in my opinion resemble a sort of subtle mass counter-initiation.The first to provide the means was Hegel in the lord-servant dialectic (Herrschaft und Knechtschaft), a famous "figure" of the Phenomenology of the spirit: it describes, in narrative form, the meeting of two self-conscious beings who give life to a "struggle mortal "before one enslaves the other, only to discover that his superiority does not assure him of the control of the world he had tried to obtain. It is a story (or myth) devised by Hegel to explain his idea that self-awareness rises dialectically to become what Hegel identifies as absolute knowledge or Spirit or Science.


The dissemination of books, articles, forms of cultural "education", television broadcasts, films, in short, everything that constitutes the world "cultural" information agency, is based on these drifts of thought carried out by De Sade, Marx and Nietschze : a triad in which each in its own way has influenced how at the moment we look at the world and interpret it. As in the time of Luciano di Samosata, where the interest of a very large number of individuals was for the kynikòs bios, the cynical life on a practical level, and not for the theoretical deepening and their re-elaboration, so in our times, systems philosophical such as those mentioned above interest and involve masses of people for the suggestions they give to escape from their conditions, a means for their "liberation".

Anonymous ID: 701e31 June 30, 2021, 6:01 a.m. No.14020797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0812

Part 2


The new men longed for by these thinkers have mingled in a deadly syncretism, where the refusal of the sacred, the underlying refusal even if claimed in the words of every norm or rule (ius), the refusal of the search for truth. In the short series of news cited, all these signs are captured on a planetary level, and not by small conventicles. The references to the supernatural, to God or to simple ratio, are rejected with annoyance, because they limit individual freedom; spirituality, at best, is confused with consciousness. I mentioned these three currents because after about 150 years they managed to become common sense in the West (and not only) in their trivialization.


Counter-initiation is to be understood as a "deviated and distorted initiation" that arises in relation to this as "an inverted shadow", trying to constitute itself as an alternative power, as opposed to the regular one, as a sort of new spiritual authority capable of orienting events and human choices. This self-proclaimed will, not being able to be based on authentic spiritual influences, must however limit its action to the psychic field only, operating in that sphere which is illusory and labile by its very nature - the so-called intermediate world - but which precisely for this reason is the more suitable to lend itself to operations of deception and manipulation.


Counter-initiation, however, is not pure nothingness without consistency, but a reality that, however illusory, is still based on effective powers and abilities, which often go beyond the common scientific understanding to lead to the great and uncertain sea of ​​what is called magic. . Compared to pseudo-initiations, which are empty and without possibility of realization, counter-initiation is instead practical, and works in a concrete way to obtain concrete results. Its action is varied but can always be traced back to the manipulation of the subtle-order elements of human individuality. The fascinatio, the praestigium, the more or less occult persuasion are its most common practices, according to laws and methods also in contrast with those publicly supported and with procedures that could hardly be considered "scientific", in open contrast with the prevailing materialism. The techniques are many but all invariably linked, confined we could say, in the vast but limited field of psychism.


Many thinkers predicted this situation wich we live in, with great foresight: from Oswald Spengler in his Sunset of the West. (“You can think only what you have to want, and this is perceived as freedom") to Renè Guénon in Symbols of sacred science, (" with modernity … disorder has burst into the entire course of existence and has become so generalized that we actually live, one might say, in a sinister 'perpetual carnival' "), in Solov'ev in The Three Stories of the Antichrist (“Antichrist will be a pacifist, ecologist, ecumenist and even vegetarian, will preach non-violence … he will seek the consent of all Christian confessions, granting something to everyone … The masses will follow him, except for small groups of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants. You gave everything, except what interests us: Jesus Christ”), to name just a few.