dubdubs confirm disgusting mutant thot bewbs
>give me a barf bag
dubdubs confirm disgusting mutant thot bewbs
>give me a barf bag
stop, please stop, for the love of god
>the horror
what a stupid smarmy arrogant bitch
do not question the narrative
I wanna kick her in her stanky front-hole
dubdubs chkd
School vacation has just started in the Eastern states of Australia and they've started the lockdowns to coincide
what a coinkydink !
MSM and Gubbermint is really talking up the "new infections" and cranking up the fear factor to 100 %
I think they are doing this to scare the sheep into getting the poison gene therapy injections
Australia so far has a very low take up of the "vaccine"
you were wiser than I was in engaging the filter
>The janitor isn't.
who is the janitor ?
the list of them is endless
One of my friends took the first AZ shot and had awful night sweats and chills for days
also had constant sensation of bugs crawling under his skin
also he feels fuzzy headed and can't concentrate, 2 weeks later
>he's fucked
I have dibs on his new 4x4, don't worry
> it's ALL bullshit
pretty much everything we have been told from birth is a lie
carefully crafted all pervasive lies