all this revolving bullshit cause joshua and bannon are in the closet bout tehy buttplug
flat hogg earth
krusty krab pizza
is the pizza
David Willcoke must be some sort of "refuse of a greedy man" demiurge seeking a chittier facejob to impress alien probes
this fehgel greek choir must be warming up on tranny greases of flat earth
what if we threw stones at these judas fehgels?
this krab food rally will be great for crustaceans
maybe they are just fehgels that like to see their name in false lights huh
it's like joshua is in the closet with bannon and lDUMBhubbard fagactor jim huh
>There are not many real anons left.
cause of the desperate spam campaigns from trannywhoreing tweakers huh
if we can;t cut tehy heads off
we will have to march them to mordor
all of this wiggling dead shit tries to lie for federal shekels and polyester costumes