Anonymous ID: 07f724 June 30, 2021, 10:04 a.m. No.14022317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2353 >>2481 >>2489 >>2504 >>2516 >>2618 >>2654 >>2712 >>2750 >>2867 >>2975

What are the odds my wife is having an affair


Fellow anons, I have been in this Q Research room daily since October 2017, contributed much work, have three or four dozen Notables, and once received a reply to one of my postings from Q.


For the first time ever, I am going to ask for your opinion on a personal problem I am having. What are the odds my wife is having an affair, given the known facts of the situation. It is ripping me apart. Your serious views on this would be appreciated, my fellow anons:


My wife and I end up in a situation where we have a house and a condo 30 miles apart. We are fixing up teh house to sell it. She mostly stays at the condo all of the time and I stay at the house half the time and at the condo half the time. A fellow, who I will call "Joe", moved into the condo next door to us.


When Joe first moved next door, she used to complain that when she walked our dog, he would follow her back to the front door of our place, asking her questions like "Now, how old are you?" and other personal things. She said that she avoided him at first because she did not want to neighbors to think that she was the type of woman who would have an affair.


I mentioned something about BLM when watching TV. She says, "Joe thinks BLM isn't about helping blacks about is about pushing communism on the United States." They must have been talking together a while to know these types of things. She never mentions the beliefs of her girlfriends or other neighbors, but knew Joe's belief's in good detail.


At one point she told me, "Joe used to over all of the time and cry on my shoulder over his girlfriend who left him. You should have seen how sad he was."


I found out long after it started that my wife had keys to his condo and walked his dog for him every day while he was at work. There are a lot of people that have dogs in our condo complex and thye probably need help walking them, but she only helps Joe.


She knows many things about Joe's life history. Prevous jobs, previous girlfriends, life challenges he faced. The knows no such detail for other neighbors. She rambles on telling about Joe telling about detailed past events in his life sometimes.


Whenever I run into Joe, he acts very nervous and guilty of something. He always calls me "Sir". Nobody I know calls me "Sir", except Joe. He has never been in the military. Why the nervous "Sir?"


She knew every detail about his house, and complained about dog pee on his carpet, admired his workout gym in the basement, told me he gets a new car every year, knew his work schedule by heart, and much more. Much more than she knows about any other neighbor.


Sometimes when I call her, he is over at our condo and she asks me to tell him "Hi."


Joe moved to a larger condo about a mile down the road, one month ago. I thought, "If she comes up with a reason to go over there regularly, this will be a red flag." Sure enough, she started dogsitting and babysitting for Joe several times a week. She did not tell me about the babysitting until after she had been doing it.


Yesterday, I told her that I provide more money than she needs and that it makes no sense that she babysits like she was a teenager. I asked her to stop the babysitting. She said she likes the extra money and she is absolutely not going to stop babysitting, period.


My fellow anons, what do you think the odds are that she is having an affair with Joe? What should I do?