Anonymous ID: 04a04c June 30, 2021, 6:27 p.m. No.14025845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5853


Because nobody comes here anymore. I was a two shifter and now find ANYTHING else to do all day and come here out of some weird sense of guilty duty because it feels like a prison thanks to the voluntyranny.


Fuck his style. He's a tyrant who claims to hate tyrants. We all know he is. He can't admit it or risk going back to prison…so fuck his larp and what the tptb thought they were doing by putting him on overwatch. It was sabotage…period.


Everyone suffers when you squelch the last bastion of free speech by giving criminals bullwhips and insist they're some kind of boss.


It's fucking tyranny. And it sucks balls.