Anonymous ID: 13ce6e June 30, 2021, 6:54 p.m. No.14026106   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“RELEASE THE REPORT AND BE PREPARED TO DEFEND IT” – Maricopa County BOS Chairman Jack Sellers KNOWS What Is Coming


On Wednesday, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers released a statement on why he is replacing fraudulent election equipment.


The Gateway Pundit reported that Maricopa County officials will not use fraudulent voting equipment again. Senator Wendy Rogers chimed in with the suggestion that we ban ALL machines


Without machines, you remove the risk of hacking or vote changing. We should use paper ballots only.


Jack Sellers, however, is a shill for Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs and the federal government.


Sellers: Maricopa County announced this week that it will comply with the Secretary of State’s direction and replace the tabulation equipment that was subpoenaed by the Arizona Senate Republican leadership and provided to an uncertified contractor. This follows the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency stating the equipment the Senate took from the County must never be used in any future election.


Jack Sellers is helping Biden and his crooks with the cover-up. Homeland Security and other federal agencies have NO business in Arizona’s elections and the State Senate’s audit.


Counties are in the business of running elections according to the laws written by the State Legislature. Yet Senate Republican leadership continues to ignore the law and suggest it doesn’t apply to them when it comes to procurement, public records and accounting for dollars spent for a public purpose. They decided to hire uncertified novices to inspect expensive election equipment. The suggestion that we can now run a few Logic & Accuracy tests and call equipment good is wildly naïve but not surprising. Maricopa County already hired two certified voting system laboratories to conduct true forensic audits of the tabulation equipment. Those audits proved that during the 2020 General Election the tabulation equipment wasn’t connected to the internet or capable of vote switching.


The Arizona Senate has not broken any laws. Maricopa County also hired uncertified companies to perform the County’s “audit” which only looked at a fraction of the necessary components in a real full forensic audit election.



Calling what has happened under the Senate contractor in the Coliseum an “audit” insults the voters’ intelligence and fuels the imaginations of those who wish to tear our democracy apart. Senate Republican leadership continues to complain that the County would not allow the circus into our secure election facility. They apparently know so little about the scope of work of their contractor, that they think the act at the Coliseum would fit into a building a fraction of the size. They also ignore the fact the County needed the building to conduct statutorily mandated jurisdictional elections in March and May.


Just like Katie Hobbs who calls us “Neo-Nazis”, Jack Sellers makes a comment about our intelligence and claims that we want to “tear our democracy apart”. No, we want to make sure it is working correctly.


The contractor for the Senate “audit” is also a known election conspiracy theorist who reportedly appears in a new movie to outline his partisan beliefs.


Many of the subcontractors hired by the conspiracy theorist remain a mystery. Why?