Anonymous ID: 8552ab June 30, 2021, 5:44 p.m. No.14025538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To: Maricopa County Manager

Joy Rich


Ms. Rich,


I understand you're planning to replace the existing voting machines currently being audited by the Senate. This is a waste of taxpayer money and, in my opinion, would constitute a crime since the purpose is to hide evidence of election fraud. As the manager of the County, we expect you to oversee the budget and bring fraudulent activities like these to the notice of the public. I've not seen any notice from your office that this is occurring and the impact it has on the County budget (I understand the cost would be into the millions).


Please be aware that having knowledge of treasonous acts, even if you're not directly involved, and not attempting to stop them is, in itself a treasonous act.


If you're not part of the attempt to steal the 2020 election, you need to be VERY vocal in your support of the Arizona Senate audit. You need to be VERY vocal demanding the County provide passwords for examination of the machines and access to router data. By this, we'll know if you're an ally (I doubt you are) of the residents of Maricopa County. This Embarrassment has to end.


A Concerned Maricopa County resident.