False, I´m enjoying the show.
The Year 1812 Solemn Overture, Op. 49 (1880) Russian Patriotic composition (Choral, w/lyrics)
Shut up Ryan!
Kids knows
The game takes place in a space-themed setting, in which players each take on one of two roles, most being Crewmates, and a predetermined number being Impostors.[e] The goal of the Crewmates are to identify the Impostors, eliminate them, and complete tasks around the map; the Impostors' goal is to covertly sabotage and kill the Crewmates before they complete all of their tasks. Players suspected to be Impostors may be eliminated via a plurality vote, which any player may initiate by calling an emergency meeting (except during a crisis) or reporting a dead body. Crewmates win if all Impostors are ejected or all tasks are completed, whereas Impostors win if there is an equal number of Impostors and Crewmates, or if a critical sabotage goes unresolved.
The Great Awakening
Be the calm in the storm
Big Boom