Removing the retard spammer. Any notables the faggot posted will to be re-posted
>…Uh, why is this even 'notable'? Seriously.
Tranny made the bread, I just pinned it.
>BV for the contingency of an eventual DC Parade, which beers do you hate.
I prefer light to dark, that's about it
When they are so desperate to shill, the straw they grasp for is my preference of light beer over dark beer
>BK was allied with OSS.
>He has not been ejected from qr unless it was in the last 5 minutes or so.
I've never been aligned with any or even asked anyone for help. Run back to /mnr/ and cry about the raping I put on you faggots.
>Simply put, the board is comped.
The narrative since 2018, should we all move to QRB or MNR?
Just pointing out that all the people that "support" mj12 seems to have shitty attitudes, hate tucker carlson, and scream board is comp'd every ten minutes. Oh, and they attack the baker like you were.
Only people that believe that are Jews, and I am 100% ok with that.
>Now post the part where I was "attacking" the baker.
I don't mean I did it solo, or that other anons weren't supportive, I just mean that I wasn't working with anyone else as the comms faggot kept trying to imply.
Kekbees has been here for literal years.