Who is Barbelo?
Hey remember that ship that got stuck in that canal a short while back?
I wonder what the name of the ship wasโฆ
oh boy that's interesting
So just because I understand words and what they mean doesn't mean I endorse the ideology behind them.
In addition, you're wrong. Barbelo is no demi god according to Gnosticism.
The "one True God" is indeed Barbelo or Saklas or Yaldaboath whether or not you want him to be.
Finally, what you really mean to say but don't understand how to phrase it, Reddit, is "Creator". Calling Creator "God" is a fucking slap in the face.
You should really figure out what the difference is and why you're taught about one and not the other.
rip me
I kept getting the name of the company who owns the ship confused with the name of the shipโฆ kek
But, yeah, I was close.
You'll remember that on Google Maps someone received a message - "Thank You", which was made by a formation of shipping containers.
I wonder if these things the both of us have mentioned share any common threadsโฆ
The thing I don't get is why you can't just stay on Reddit.
kinda faggy though
plenty of dark beers are really good, anon
i said the same before I tried a lot of different ones
Yes, I was delineating between the MJ12 telegram and the actual Majestic organization, just like we covered many times that thread.
What's wrong with telling redditors using redditspacing to go back to Reddit? Where have you been for the last well over five years or more?
Also, I was wrong in that image when I brought up Laconics of Cult. It was actually the Marvelous Adventures of Baron Trump, still written by Lockwood. It was a very interesting dig. You do remember it, don't you, anon?
Is this where you pretend I'm a shill because I challenged you?
You gonna ego post, big guy? Or are we both just anons that have no business bickering between ourselves?
Okay, I'm still butchering itโฆ kek
Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey
There we go.
Now post the part where I was "attacking" the baker.
Also, for the probably tenth time at least, that was no endorsement of the MJ12 telegram. I was pointing out that there's a difference between the TG and the actual org. Quit being dense.
When have I ever mentioned anything about Tucker? Scroll through the hash some more.
Finally, while you're there, check where I said the board is comped.
If you're going to be a chode like this again, at least be accurate.
I can't help it that the guy is from Reddit and posts like it.
Maybe it was a typo or something, I dunno. But either way, we've shit on redditors for many years now. It shouldn't matter who is redditspacing.
This is hardly on par with the other retards ip hopping and posting some shit about how you're comped over and over again. Do you not have better things to do than bicker with me over something so typical of every anon that didn't just recently arrive?
This is odd. Did 50+ posts just get deleted or something?
It was at 751 a minute or two ago.
It was okay when there was knowledgeable discussion occurring there. I once had a long, very helpful conversation with an anon (maybe several) about nutrition there, which helped me tremendously.
This was right before we switched to kun from chan. Unfortunately, it's been a shitshow ever since.
I'm finding any board that associates itself with this one is not at all worth visiting. There's been at least five that have popped up over the years. Every single one I quickly stopped caring about.
Well good. I was hoping BV would tend to that.