Anonymous ID: 9be92a July 1, 2021, 12:14 a.m. No.14028065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8077 >>8086 >>8096 >>8098 >>8287 >>8525 >>8754

CM Rotary telegram


Former Rotarian here, can give some insight on this. Actually supposedly membership is for life, maybe I still am.


20 years ago anon was starting a business and wanting to make local contacts, and Rotary was the way to go. The global mission statement of Rotary was (is?) eradication of Polio. We did our normal Thursday breakfast meetings and yucked it up with each other, planned our annual parade entry and fund raising raffles & shit. We were pretty ineffectual as a community organization, but there is a significant 'social benefit' component to being in that group when you are in small town America.


Back to Polio. They used to update us monthly on the global Polio stats. Which countries they were planning vaccine drives for, how many cases remaining in New Guinea, or whatever the hell. Africa was big. But the numbers were coming down, and Polio was going to have vanished by a particular year. I more or less resigned in 2003 for other reasons, and have not been able to keep track.


But oh anons, you should really look into the shady shit regarding the ORIGINS of Polio, and of course the vaccines. The same thread of discovery that may lead you to Kary Mullis and the PCR test & HIV hoax has roots farther back than that. They apparently never actually isolated Polio, and there are other schools of thought that it is just bacterial. The vaccines given since the 50's may have actually GIVEN people other problesm, and I do think some of mom-anons issues stem from the Polio craze of the 1950's.


So now we have Bill and Melinda gates. They went into India, they went into Africa. They left behind more cases than they cured, not surprisingly. They have been exposed and written about, even kicked out of some countries. But the brown countries of the world are addicted to white people telling them what to do. They are addicted to anything free, and especially the promise of someone in a lab coat. So there is always some unsuspecting population to try out their latest concoction on, and then what do you know, "Polio is on the rise".


Well that is real funny since it was on the decline 20 years ago. Huh, wonder how that happened. Rotary itself is not a bad organization, it is filled with normal guys who are well meaning people. They even have a noble goal, i.e. clean drinking water and the eradication of Polio. But it is easy to see how they could get caught up with GATES, i.e. a man of such prominence putting his vast fortune behind the effort.


It would be REALLY GREAT if someone higher up in Rotary has maybe been keeping copies of records for the last 10 years or so. That would be a great Project Veritas exposé.


And I guess that's about all I have to say about Polio and Rotary.

Anonymous ID: 9be92a July 1, 2021, 2:41 a.m. No.14028442   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Goes even deeper than that. The type B influenza that Rockerfeller Institute was working on was from research that started during the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic. I posted a big write up on it a few days ago here.


Quick recap:


Spanish Flu did not start in Spain, and it was not influenza. It was a bacteriological pneumo-infection that was the DIRECT RESULT of experiments Rockerfeller Institute was doing in FORT RILEY, KANSAS on Army troops. UNWITTING Army troops. They were researching a vaccine for viral meningitis at the time, and incubating it in horses. The resulting serum was tested on Army troops, and quickly manifested in the lungs with all the signs and symptoms you would expect of Flu. Except it spread much more quickly, and was much more deadly. Thinking it was just flu, these soldiers continued on their deployment to Europe to fight in WW1, carrying the infection with them on every train, ship, and camp. It spread like wildfire in the unsanitary conditions of the war, but then the war ended and all those sick soldiers went home to spread it there.


The newspapers were responsible for naming it Spanish Flu, after an acute outbreak that claimed members of Spanish royalty. Rockerfeller Institude had no desire to correct the record. They got a big grant to study "influenza" after that, without ever admitting it was not flu, and that it had leaked from their own experiment. Those funds paid for a whole field of study that continues to this day.


Big Pharma in 1918 screwed around with animals, came up with a deadly serum, experimented with it on unwitting soldiers, and killed 50-100 million people. Then they were REWARDED with a govt. grant to study it further.

Anonymous ID: 9be92a July 1, 2021, 3:34 a.m. No.14028529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8555 >>8577


A well put response, and I concur completely.


The 'its the zionists' crowd also fail to ever elucidate who the zionists are or what they wanted. The return to the homeland was only talked about for 2500 years, so its not like it was a surprise. Whatever the British / Roths / Cabal reasons were for engineering the return of the jewish diaspora, you can bet the weight of history at least played some part. Keep in mind that this Jewish diaspora had no state of their own, no government, and no prominent central religious body in the way Catholics have the Pope. All they had was whatever influence they could wield on those would would be sympathetic to their cause.


Many on this board like to imagine a cult society of Jews meeting in secret rooms with their hundred year plan all mapped out, secretly buying one bank at a time in a game of world domination. It's kind of funny. They fail to recognize this is ultimately a satanic-driven deception. Cabal interests in returning the Jews to Israel was no doubt much more aligned to their selfish interest in 20th century war, or their future interest in population control, than it was some altruism rooted in 'zionism'. Sure they would have been sympathetic to calls for zionism if it made them look good….just a great cover for their own schemes.


Many on here would mirror back and say aha, but the Cabal IS jewish. To which I say their entire theory of Khazarian mafia is weak, weak, weak and not recognized by scholarship. To even entertain the idea that the global, ancient, 13 family cabal are somehow patsies to a jewish elite misses the entire point. Every one of these satanic assholes are SATANIC….not jewish, chinese, muslim, or christian. That is the real psy-op. They want us divided, and it works.


Don't worry, jew haters, Israel is on target to be ground zero for the Ezekiel war, which is coming soon to a theater near you. You will all get to rejoice and scream JOOOOOOOS! in your best nazi salute. I feel sorry for you and all that bottled up hate, but what am I going to do besides just telling you like it is. We are in the End Times. The world is given over to satanic deception, which you recognize in every other form EXCEPT for the zionist psy-op.


So wake up. Or don't. It won't matter.


City of London


Washington DC