Aelyros ID: f7d277 July 1, 2021, 12:09 a.m. No.14028045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8048 >>8057 >>8091 >>8178 >>8183 >>8197 >>8634

Is Trump a Zionist Freemason?

Is he just an actor?

Is his wealth fake?

Is he a pawn of the Rothschilds?

You only believe him because of Q.

What credibility does Q have?

If Trump and Q are working together to trick you, wouldn't it be easy for their messages to align?

Wouldn't predictions be easy?

Do small truths gain your trust?

Does phrasing everything as a question gain your trust?

Where are the mentions of Zionism?

Why the Military Industrial Complex worship?

Why the Republican Worship?

Why the Bible Worship?

Did Jesus really exist?

Is the Bible a tool of the NWO?

Do these boards actually allow open discussion?

Do they dismiss any counter opinions as shills?

Are all religions actually acceptable or equal?

Do you think they would actually allow any loss of control?

Don't you think they realized American sentiment was changing, and they needed a new approach?

Where is the election fraud really leading?

Do you think they're ever actually going to get rid of it?

Can fraud change forms?

Does it fix the two party system and rigged primaries?

Do you really believe some political messiah is going to save you from the government?

Do you really think you're free?

Do you think America was ever free?

Was America Founded by Freemasons, for Freemasons.

Are Freemasons Jewish Zionists?

Aelyros ID: f7d277 July 1, 2021, 12:17 a.m. No.14028076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8082 >>8087 >>8088



Would that break the illusion?

Do they infiltrate, or invade?

Do you trust Trump and Q because the media attacks them?

What if attacking them to get you to trust them was part of their plan?

Do you really think anyone who is part of the club is going to suddenly have a change of heart?

Is it even possible for them to leave the cult?

What is the punishment for breaking your oath to a secret society?

Is the military industrial complex really on your side?

Aelyros ID: f7d277 July 1, 2021, 12:27 a.m. No.14028101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8138 >>8186 >>8196



Do these rah-rah messages actually inform?

What information has Q given that was actually useful?

What information was not available before Q?

Did Q just rehash old conspiracy ideas to gain trust?

Or are they just to gain your trust?

Why wouldn't you look at religion?

Are all religions inherently wrong?

Can you really speak for God?

What if your creed/religion/culture is inherently evil?

Aelyros ID: f7d277 July 1, 2021, 12:37 a.m. No.14028129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8146 >>8163


If Trump really wanted HCQ for the people, why did he push Operation Warpspeed?

If Trump was against big pharma why did he enrich them?

Why does he still push the vaccine after seeing all the adverse reactions?

Why did he allow and encourage the lockdowns that destroyed our economy and many people's lives if covid was fake?

Why did he spend so much money on ventilators that killed people?

Why did he never open real investigations into the "virus"?