Anonymous ID: 60f073 July 1, 2021, 9:20 a.m. No.14030086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0092


No. I don't know why anons still don't understand what this means. The grifters and cons on the left

have been using this to make patriots look like ignorant fools since the data was posted.


It simply means that those people had no other co-morbidities. If someone had hypertension and

then died, they wouldn't be part of the 4% (it was 6% when I saw the data), but you certainly

can't say hypertension killed them. Same with obesity. It's a co-morbidity, it makes you more likely

to die from a disease, but it doesn't mean that's what killed you. Now, someone with end-stage liver

failure (I know one, actually) that got sick and died a month before he would have otherwise, now

that's a different story. Was it the disease, or was it the thing that he was already going to die from?

Those are legitimate questions. Then you have all those that tested positive but never actually had

the disease, or any real symptoms, but got classified as covid because of the PCR test. They're

not necessarily part of that 4%, either.