We are watching a movie, scripted to wake up Normies, in order to let them experience how bad it could be.
They will follow up with CRSPR Tech, for profit and sale to the wealthy of course, to repair the damage that the mRNA Vaccines have done. The poor and middle class will be sterile and or die. Notice the frequency in CRSPR news articles in the last week?
1871: District of Columbia Act.
Democracy is Mob rule, the 51% over the 49%. If they were not controlled opposition, they would be chanting for a Constitutional Republic.
Acktually, it's a series of 1's and 0's created by electrons.
Based dudes can pull electricity right out of the electrostatic charge in the atmosphere, like a boss.
I think ten year olds are having welfare babies now, if they aren't sold or aborted. USA NUMBER 1!
DeSantis should capture and keel-haul them on live TV.