Correct bread?
Ya ever worked for an Asian Indian? I’ve known contractors who quit jobs due to Indians bitching about every detail. They will subvert the workplace with BS. Evil race that believes all whites should die or be slaves, followers of a Mysteries religion…sacred cow my ass
Not sure how many are traveling for holiday….gas over 3 bucks, hotels charging $300+ a night, and meals…..about $500 a day to travel now
Exactly why there will NEVER be decent black neighborhood….always blame whitey….will prob be over 100 shootings in Chicago this weekend, all whiteys fault
Waco….OKC bombing…..Las Vegas music shooting should be evidence, your government is a bunch of cold blooded killers
Yeah right….most working people will be partying and relaxing
Jew/Zionists need to go be paranoid somewhere else
Fucking sub human asswipes
All recent “epidemics” were government lab inventions
All the Jew/Zionist investigations could come up with….is some tax code violations…how passé
Tax charges are the last attempt of failed government….ask Al Capone
50’s lulled many asleep, they believed it would continue without interruption
1917….birth of New World Order
Cuz he ain’t President….he is Supreme Zionist leader
Written in 1919….all 196 pages… book you’ll read