Hey look what I found from 2000 – sound familiar?
Hey look what I found from 2000 – sound familiar?
>>14030092 (LB)
>>14030086 (LB)
>>14030118 (LB)
No. I don't know why anons still don't understand what this means. The grifters and cons on the left have been using this to make patriots look like ignorant fools since the data was posted.
It simply means that those people had no other co-morbidities. If someone had hypertension and then died, they wouldn't be part of the 4% (it was 6% when I saw the data), but you certainly can't say hypertension killed them. Same with obesity. It's a co-morbidity, it makes you more likely to die from a disease, but it doesn't mean that's what killed you. Now, someone with end-stage liver failure (I know one, actually) that got sick and died a month before he would have otherwise, now that's a different story. Was it the disease, or was it the thing that he was already going to die from?
Those are legitimate questions. Then you have all those that tested positive but never actually had the disease, or any real symptoms, but got classified as covid because of the PCR test. They're not necessarily part of that 4%, either.
I fully understand what this means. How are you thinking I am looking like an ignoramus? Is this the normal data-collection methodology for deaths, to make a guess if you do not know? Because if it is, it is really, really poor, and we might have even deeper issues than I am thinking we have.
Maybe it is the standard method - not trying to be an ass just questioning.
Okay, you are simply an ass. Congratulations.
I don't disagree, but it looks like someone cherry-picked that figure out of that court ruling to seed disinformation on that one, or just plain screwed up.
I was about to say "somewhere between 4% and 99%" is probably the "real number" (or a reasonably accurate one).
Here are the Condition Groups from the dataset:
Respiratory diseases
Circulatory diseases
Malignant neoplasms
Alzheimer disease
Vascular and unspecified dementia
Renal failure
Intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning, and other adverse events
All other conditions and causes (residual)
And these are the conditions:
Influenza and pneumonia
Chronic lower respiratory diseases
Adult respiratory distress syndrome
Respiratory failure
Respiratory arrest
Other diseases of the respiratory system
Hypertensive diseases
Ischemic heart disease
Cardiac arrest
Cardiac arrhythmia
Heart failure
Cerebrovascular diseases
Other diseases of the circulatory system
Malignant neoplasms
Alzheimer disease
Vascular and unspecified dementia
Renal failure
Intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning, and other adverse events
All other conditions and causes (residual)
So they are lumping COVID in with heart attacks and numerous other things that will easily kill someone alone, with no help from anything else. Yeah that sounds valid.
This is what looking directly at this data tells me.
"reflected on the irony of the situation where a prominent researcher of information control and propaganda found himself so arbitrarily silenced"
He got Chomsky'd…kek
Delta Variant super-spreaders, maybe…
Yeah, renal failure and heart-attacks aren't fatal. Got it.
List of Conditions:
Influenza and pneumonia
Chronic lower respiratory diseases
Adult respiratory distress syndrome
Respiratory failure
Respiratory arrest
Other diseases of the respiratory system
Hypertensive diseases
Ischemic heart disease
Cardiac arrest
Cardiac arrhythmia
Heart failure
Cerebrovascular diseases
Other diseases of the circulatory system
Malignant neoplasms
Alzheimer disease
Vascular and unspecified dementia
Renal failure
Intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning, and other adverse events
All other conditions and causes (residual)