hallie spitting like a zebra cobra, dangerous injured cornered prey
flamethrower - illegal fireworks -
hallie spitting like a zebra cobra, dangerous injured cornered prey
flamethrower - illegal fireworks -
like the jdif gives anyone shekels. take your hallie doll an blow yoself
msdnc yammich cornham reuben sammich on rye
*the real hidden perk
biden on tee vee ses he needs mental tune up in
house brain check up - the longer he speaks the shakier the ground gets at the condo
cackles taking a day off of her main job of shadowing and looming over the presidency
working so hard wit the traficking and all
msdnc now hard hitting question to pedo:
have you declared the new yammich blm choco mint menthol ice cream yet?
biden making the tragedy all about him and how jill overcame such great loss
as he focused on work and hunter
oh hunter