Ty baker
Is it not an active crime scene? All evidence gathered? Blood and tears of innocent children cleaned up? House and property visited by an exorcist? A guy like that, knowing what he did in on his properties, its seems a little soon just to be sold off. No?
Bussa bus. More emcees need to come out and speak Truth.
They're pathetic, aren't they?
Sounds like something a blossom would say.
Yea, a boomer who listens to Gusta Rhymes. So you're ignorant and dumb as dog shit. Got it.
I didn't take your free speech away. You said your ignorant divisionfag shit and checked you on it. Fucking cry moar dipshit.
Played out weak rebeaten shill shit.
On the move
Typos never happen? What a sissy. Your comeback is a spelling typo. Absolute fronthole, you are.