How much fucking spam can you fit on one page? See
>*Please note it does not say killed.
My God you fuckers are retarded as all fuckin' fuck.
>Got it all figured out there do ya hotshot? Congrats.
No - but she's fuckin' dead, retard. Prove me wrong - and the rest of the world.
>Cant recommend gettr at the moment.
Q has spoken - you have to wait because Q told you so. Right there.
Welcome to KResearch (Karen research) where bored FB moms come to LARP CSI spy expert. You'll never run out of wannabe sleuths at KResearch whose cumulative IQ is negative yet inversely proportional to their childish, overzealous imaginations.
Ashli Babbitt isn't really dead
Joe Biden isn't really president
The border isn't really open
The military isn't really woke
DJT will be installed soon
EVERYONE is acting, including Wray, Austin, All Democrats, all the UN and even China - it's all a movie.
you fuckers are so pathetic it's no longer comical
>while you really watch this:
She's dead. Unless of course you have footage of her alive somewhere, retard.
This is why you fuckers are dumbasses - you don't ask yourselves logical questions:
"What is gained by faking a Trump supporter's death?"
Go ahead - give.