Q never mentioned no long af
L i m b o
period of waiting.
I kinda assumed Biden being POTUS was the start of The Precipice.
Q never mentioned no long af
L i m b o
period of waiting.
I kinda assumed Biden being POTUS was the start of The Precipice.
ngl Malcom X was one bright mfer.
Not everything he advocated, but damn did he call some shit spot on before it was really observable to everyone else.
>we can go garfing
kek well played
The issue for me in the high profile cases is they're often rife with fake victims looking to cash in and political motivated prosecutions.
I suspect he prolly was a perv but didn't do everything they're accusing him of.
I've seen plenty examples of that locally on my own irl.
In it for the full ride here, too.
Just saying I was one of several Anons that caught on to The Precipice was gonna be rough and prolly meant Trump wouldn't be POTUS after 1/20.
But, I totally missed The Limbo as nothing I saw in the drops pointed out to me that there was going to be The Limbo first.
Did anyone grep on to that being part of The Plan?
I wouldn't beat yourself up too much.
Those were heady days.
It wasn't until 2H '19 when it dawned on me that things were going to play out on a longer timeline than I (and a lot of us) thought.
But, I still thought Trump getting screwed in '20 would bring The Precipice on quicker.
Women in general need to push back against the victim-ho's that don't have the 'od' on the end.
They're the ones that make life hard on the true victims that now don't get believed because of the shit you just described.
Cultural boomerangs are a mfer.
It starts by telling that Gloria Allred (sp?) bitch to take a hike.
That's why I think datefagging (whether by Anon or Shill) was one of the greatest evils ever to occur on QResearch.
The human psyche can only withstand a limited number of 2 moar weeks then big letdown rinse repeats before saying that's it I'm out.
>Blues Image
Great song.
Must have heard it a thousand times back in the day before I learned they weren't from SF.
They were a Tampa band.
kek and you nailed in meme form how it feels o7
She's pretty.
So, are you saying they're whining about nothing then?
And are really just here to slide?