>Ya you do!
Ya you do what?
Fucking what!
California sets date for recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom (September 14)
I'm guessing there will be another voting scandal that benefits Newsom but will continue to show normies how bad it is and why it needs to be fixed.
Any anons know how it imbed the vid?
I bet he posts this to his Twat account soon. It is a big deal by the sound of it. Keeps the Clinton Foundation in the news.
>My God you fuckers are retarded as all fuckin' fuck.
Got it all figured out there do ya hotshot? Congrats.
White supremacist Dylann Roof murdered nine African Americans at a Bible study.
Merrick Garland just paused his execution.
>you fuckers are so pathetic it's no longer comical
Your panic is delicious. That you Marc Elias?