Still waiting:
HRC Video
O pic with ak
Election fraud letter
Free Flynn in 30
Fix censorship
Text message red carpet reveal
Red Cross
Haberman and her 3 trust funds
Mack is naming names (except she didn't, research)
Mid terms safe watch CA…still looking.
Seth Rich and DNC
23andme disclosure
and on and on…
I trust POTUS, I don't trust Q.
If Patriots don’t reveal classified intel, then why is Q anonymous? He/she/it could be doing this on Fox news. It’s a LARP they are pretending to give classified intel, while calling out others who interfere with the Q narrative.
Psy-op 101, give the subject a deflection mechanism for cognitive dissonance. Anyone who doesn't agree with Q is a ‘shill’ a ‘clown.’ No exceptions, but guess what, that’s not an argument.
Here’s a picture of a pen, please discuss.
-Yesterday I was an anon. Today I’m a shill.
>>1395288 you do realize that POTUS fas nothing to do with Q right? Q team = a bunch of fucktards from /pol/ who played a game and got $$$$
1) assholes here are ripping people off selling them apps that spy on them. 100K at 0.99 plus T-Shirt sales
2) you people are bad for my country, my POTUS, and progress of Liberty (you ARE fake news)
no, you are either:
A) perpetrating a fraud and will end up with the SecretService up your asses,
B)are truely a cult following brainless retard who fell for a game that has gone on far too long from some basement dwellers at /pol/
game is over.
oh it's coming out. :)
there should be a few more sealed indictments this week. a few will have certain people from 8ch name on them.