Anonymous ID: 87fa4e May 13, 2018, 8:23 p.m. No.1403538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3579 >>3677

Q says future proves past over and over. How about current being proof there is something wrong with our past beliefs? Where are the same past problems we had that were said to be " Born with it" Why don't we see them now? Why is history being re-written? Calling someone retarded now means they are not very bright. It had a different meaning 40 years ago! It was an actual medical condition. There are no retarded people born any more! Hasn't been the case for 30 years. I never heard of a cure or vaccine, it just happened. How many things like this were we told were just a part of life that no longer exist? How many things do we have now in large amounts that either didn't exist or were so small that no count ever happened? Gay/ transgender. If this were part of reality, why have the numbers changed? Why do some no longer exist while others grow? Why do we keep shifting the English language? Why does retarded now mean stupid instead of what it used to mean ( medical condition) Take the current status of the removal of certain things and ask where they went. Take the current status of things and ask how the grew so fast with zero medical explanation. Where did all of these gay/ trans come from? It's not hereditary. How did we jump in percentages so high so fast? Use the past and the current to show manipulation of something is under foot.

Anonymous ID: 87fa4e May 13, 2018, 8:32 p.m. No.1403629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3644


idk what it has to do with for sure but some of it started 30 years ago when they began selling meat/poultry that had hormones injected. Now it is hip to be open gender so it is confusing. Ask questions to the blue pilled people . Ask why retardation completely disappeared but was 10% 30 years ago. Where did serial killers go? Why were we so populated with them in the 80's but have zero now? Think back at what was normal and see it no longer is. Where did it go?

Anonymous ID: 87fa4e May 13, 2018, 8:49 p.m. No.1403768   🗄️.is 🔗kun


retardation had zero physical appearances like downs syndrome has. Retardation had some attributes like autism in so much as they were not good at reading social cues. Where they differed on social interaction with autists is .. they had an over abundance of emotion and empathy. They also lacked the ability to retain learned info on every level. Autists have a gift / curse relationship in life. They might lack in one area but excel in something else that is beyond the ability of a normie to ever accomplish on their best day. It's like me. I can't see what most everyone else gets to see. I can't trust my sight. When most people can see something yellow and immediately recognize it means caution, I can't be sure it is yellow so at the same speed someone else sees safety ( but caution) I have to visually process size, texture, distance, shape ect..To live that way every second of every day, my brain works faster and calculates surroundings faster than normies. My brain is trained to do that so as a rule, I look deeper into a subject and no ability to take something at face value. So past retardation no longer exists and to equate it with autism is short changing it. The only thing the 2 had in common is a poor ability to read social cues.