Anonymous ID: beca34 May 13, 2018, 8:11 p.m. No.1403410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3453 >>3469 >>3474 >>3506 >>3551 >>3591 >>3845

I hope there is no one here on the chan tonight that is still living within 50 miles of the West Coast or Hawaii or under 500' elevation.


I think it would be VERY WISE to get away from the area if you do.


Keep a VERY CLOSE EYE on the Hilina Slump.


Better yet…. MOVE OUT while you still can.

Anonymous ID: beca34 May 13, 2018, 8:28 p.m. No.1403585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3603 >>3616 >>3668 >>3678 >>3686 >>3695 >>3712 >>3803


No, I'm worried about the volcano on Hawaii blowing and sending the Slump into the sea…. causing a tsunami.



How do you evacuate 10 million people?


Lets be conservative.


2.5 million cars. 4 passengers to a car.


Where the hell do 2.5 million cars with 4 people each go????????



It's possible but the volcano IS blowing it's top.


Sauce here:



Enjoy your watery grave.


Ever drive down a river valley? See how wide the valley is? Ever look at the 1000 year flood maps? They rarely cover the entire valley. Ever look at water? Study the eddies in a stream? Build a little sand dam? See what happens? How does the sand react when the water breaches the dam? What's left? Look at the edges of the breach. Kind of like our river valley example.


Things have happened before. And they will happen again. Best thing you can do is to be prepared and aware of what the possibilities are.



"a collapse now is very unlikely"


Didn't say guaranteed not to happen did it?


Stay aware.

Anonymous ID: beca34 May 13, 2018, 8:35 p.m. No.1403653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3724 >>3732 >>3830 >>3844 >>3849


Keep a very close eye on the news coming out of Hawaii.


They will NOT admit to what is going on. But the warnings will be put out between the lines for those of you who have the wisdom to understand. Less than 100' elevation is the critical areas on the west coast. You can't panic 10 million people without good reason.


Have a bugout bag handy, a full tank of fuel in your car, and the wisdom to go if you need to. Don't make things worse for yourself by waiting too long. You will have a very small window of time to make a successful escape by vehicle from those areas.


Just keep a very close eye on the news coming out of Hawaii. I don't know who posts up to the minute news out of there but I'm sure MSM will concern fag real quick if anything major starts happening.



>Definition of "worry" = Concern without Action~

I shouldn't say worry if that's the definition…. more like BE AWARE.

Anonymous ID: beca34 May 13, 2018, 9:04 p.m. No.1403896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3912


Tsunami danger on west coast.


Try to imagine a 99 foot tall wall of water slamming into Los Angeles . . . and its ten million residents. Much of the city would no longer exist.




>But I feel for anyone around this…PLEASE STAY SAFE!

Same here. I live in Iowa so no real danger here but I hope all anons who live out there are watching closely. That YT channel posted was pretty cool.



Yep. Sounds like more activity now though and there has been some concern expressed in other circles about the volcanoes on the ring of fire including all the ones through the west coast. There's one, Shasta? that's really built up that will be a significant problem.