OG Faygele here… how many here posting are pozzed FBI, nightshift, shills or glowies? Haven't posted here in months but ran into something that I think is worth sharing.
Ok, so here's some weirdness that I can't process.
Weird occult castle close to Crowley's weird occult house that J. Page bought.
Read this on their site:
"Glamis Calling was originally launched in 2019 as a temporary/interstitial portal for WGC delegates, electors and approved associates during the overhaul of our secure communication platforms and communication archive site, which was hosted on the deep web. "
That's all whatever stuff that's around there but….
When I look at a website somersetbelenoff (who is somehow related) I get this in their url.
Dark to Light.
Who's having a laugh here?
Point of this post is this.
Q posted Dark To Light a bunch of times. Somerset website has nothing but pic related.