Famous people are the most horrible people you could ever meet.
Worst run forum on the internet and it'd the only one I post on.
there used to be a dark internet that told the truth.
You could look up Bohemian Grove child sacrifice and it would pop right up.
Children are chattel in Russia.
I have relatives that drank the cool aid.
Joe Biden says global warming made the building fall down.
Men are the most winning female athletes.
Jesus loves irony.
You don't have to sign in if the traffic is slow.
See you tomorrow. >>14035439
Thinking Trump could save the world is the dumbest thing ever.
Catsup is a big deal.
Global warming made illegal aliens build a bad building.
>Global warming made illegal aliens build a bad building.
Trump thinks making fun of Democrats is good policy.
So stupid.
Trump had no idea how far behind the 8 ball Republicans are.
He was too busy getting rich.
So brave so ignorant.
Trumps stupidity got Biden elected,
Sarcasm isn't smart
Joe Biden shit all over Trump.
Q had no idea how bad Trump would lose. Because Q is a moron.
Q is a moron.
Q is the greatest moron that ever lived.
Q is moron squared.
Q stopped posting when the money ran out.
Q was in it for the money.
Q is the biggest asshole that ever walked the planet.
Satan blushed.
Q is Satan.
Q destroyed believers Q is Satan.
Q hated Trump. Trump paid Q millions.
Trump is a moron.
The biggest moron that ever lived.
Your favorite bands are fake news.
The Wrecking Crew Built that. >>14035569
So it is the biggest story.
Trump had no idea what he was doing.
Biden is awesome.
I like how he doesn't know words.
Trump has no idea it is the 4th of July.
Q didn't tell him.
Q was paid a million Dolores year being Trumps calendar.