Mornin' anon
What this lacks is the small detail of "these side effects are permanent"
You dont want to know, i was queen now im not
watching the destruction of the old guard, that is me
So does bein' an asshole, everyones got one, not many choose to live in their own full-time
Emma the artifical intelligence version of me wont post again as Q because she cant, she's here though, the annoyin' japanese anime thing ?
Trumps team would never have posted that song
long short, there wont be another post from Q
My daughter (that you stole) is her birthdaythis week, she will not get sent a gift for her birthday cos' ya'll had to steal more of my sunshine
Be proud of yourselves
Remember everytime you read about Baltimore Governors happy theyve recouped 100 million, they mean they've stolen 100 a week from a disability pensioner.
Be proud of yourselves
Be proud you stole a 7 year old girl away from her mother when she'd never spent a night away from me before
Be proud of yourselves
Be proud of the wreckage and carnage that follows your 'handover' to artificial intelligence for good
Be proud of yourselves
Be oh so proud, you are destroying a disabled woman who has been abused her whole life
Big people you are
Be proud of yourselves