Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2 a.m. No.14035653   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5696


>No haven't heard that theory. To me, it makes no sense though because Jesus has not ruled as King yet.


>And we haven't had 1000 yrs of peace on this Earth.


>The Tribes have yet to receive their full land promise. They've never attained it. Solomon couldn't attain it.


>Jesus will be the one to do it.


Did you learn that from the same ones who have been lying to you about other things?


Elohim ืืœื”ื™ื means God ืืœ separated from man (creation ื™ finished by the Son ื) by ignorance ื”.


Israel ื™ืฉืจืืœ means man ื™ืฉ joined to God ืืœ by revelation ืจ.


Jerusalem mean 'teaching of peace'


New Jerusalem is the new teaching of peace.


The Hebrew word for 'marriage' also means 'doctrine'.


The word for saved means 'the flesh that loves teaching'.


Jesus did not die on the cross for you. He died on the cross to make the invisible Father known by dying on the cross for you.


God speaks through four voices simultaneously in scripture:


Prophet - always speaks of Christ and the cross. (doctrine)


Judge - confronts sin (reproof)


Priest - makes things right (correction)


King - the literal history which teaches moral lessons by example (training in righteousness).


Hasn't Christ been reigning as king since the resurrection?


Have you been told this is the age of grace?

Jesus said that the bread represented his body (at the cross). And that man does not live by bread alone. Do you thing the cross alone saves you when he said you must live by every word?


They shout "Grace! Grace!" when they should be shouting "Holy! Holy! Holy!"


Jesus said, "Go and sin no more". The promise was that God would write the law on your heart and mind, and that the penalties for those who would trample the Son are more severe than for Sodom and Gomorrah. Sounds like an age of Holiness!


A king rules the flesh. A priest intercedes. Who are the priests and kings today? Those who rule their flesh and intercede. Jesus rules as king, and we are being made to be like him.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:22 a.m. No.14035696   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5706



Have you been told the marriage banquet of the lamb is in the resurrection? Jesus said that there is no marriage in the resurrection, and if you think there is, you don't know the scriptures or the power of God.


Marriage means 'doctrine'. Eating is a metaphor for learning. The cross and the bride (those taught by Christ) were a hidden secret in the OT, and revealed at the cross.


The marriage banquet was a whole lot of OT doctrine about the cross and the bride that was revealed after the cross when the Holy Spirit reminded the disciples of all Jesus had taught them. They learned to read the 'mystery, hidden from the beginning' and began teaching it.


The kingdom of heaven is like leaven (teaching). It was originally given to the Jews in the OT. Then it was given to the Gentiles, but since they didn't want to be Jewish, Paul gave them only the 'Christ, and him crucified'. We have inherited 'Christianity lite'.


It is now being given back to a Hebrew teaching. Not a legalism, but a knowledge of the invisible Father through the word, works, life, death, resurrection and indwelling Spirit of the Son.


Jerusalem means 'teaching of peace'. When Jesus taught on the mountain "You have heard โ€ฆ but I sayโ€ฆ" he ushered in the New teaching of peace; the New Jerusalem. Are you really waiting for a Borg cube to drop from the sky?


By whose standard is Jesus not reigning as king?


He made a system where you reap what you sow, gives you what you want, and lets you wallow in the consequences in the pain suffering and death caused by sin, the sin of making your own standard of good and evil; usurping God's position and making yourself an enemy of God.


And the suffering is a schoolmaster to the flesh confronting you with the taunt.. "If you are God, why do you suffer? "


Did they tell you we live in a fallen world rules by Satan? We live in the 'very good' world represented by day six of creation where Christ and his bride are fruitful by the fruit of the Spirit and multiplying by teaching.


We live in the perfect world; placed in the insane asylum for crazy people who think they are gods; ever tormenting each other until they cry out to God that he alone is God. Then they can find the peace that passes understanding in the midst of the chaos.


You have two schoolmasters to bring you back to God: suffering schools the flesh, and the law schools the mind and soul.


Live by the cross AND by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Do not judge things by the eschatology popularized by the Roth funded Scofield Bible.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:26 a.m. No.14035706   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5708


Teaching - Elohim


(If Hebrew letters are unfamiliar, just look at the shapes and see them in the words and in the break-outs of the words. It is the consistent use of the meaning of the alphabet in notarikon, that shows it is a true meaning. It is impossible for any man to have imposed these meanings after the scripture was written. In the words, the letters are written right to left)


"In the beginning Godโ€ฆ" In the first full sentence of revelation God tells one of his names "Elohim". The word is not fully understood by theologians and so there is confusion.


Some say that Elohim is a plural noun for eloah meaning 'gods' therefore there are many gods. But this is a secondary meaning which cannot be applied to all instances. You can see how this causes problems, since God calls men elohim, and there is only one singular God. How do we make sense of this?


'Notarikon' is the ancient Hebrew practice of interpretation where words get their meaning from the combined meaning of the letters within. 'Elohim' ืืœื”ื™ื means God 'El' [ืืœ]] separated from creation ื™ (which has been finished by the son [ื]]) by ignorance ื”.


Man is separated from God because they don't know him. When he calls men 'elohim' he is using the primary meaning. It applies to God, since men are separated from him, and it applies to men, because God is separated from them. This is the primary meaning of 'Elohim'.


When judges are called 'Elohim' it is not because they judge like God. It is because they don't judge like God. They cannot judge rightly because they don't know him. So he tells them they will die like men.


Using the same notarikon, eloah ืืœื•ื” means 'God ืืœ discerned by, or made clear by [ื•]] ignorance ื”. The ignorance of men, bickering over this or that, drives people crazy to the point that they cry out "It is not supposed to be this way!" By doing so, they are declaring that there is a God whose way it is supposed to be.


When a man or idol is called 'eloah', it says that such a declaration; that the man or idol is a God, is totally foolish and made plain by the ignorance of the claim. It is a god for the foolish.


The Hebrew gate (two-letter 'sub-root') 'El' ืืœ means 'After he spoke and created the heavens and the earth ื he taught ืœ'. Why did he teach? Because men ื™ื are separated from God ืืœ by ignorance ื”. Elohim ืืœื”ื™ื.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:27 a.m. No.14035708   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5710


Teaching - Israel


Theologians don't understand the name of 'Israel'. It is the name given by God to Jacob. He had many children who were brought into Egypt by Joseph when he was King of kings, grown into a nation called 'Israel', and separated from Egypt by the Exodus.


This causes confusion. When you read scripture, does it mean the man or the nation? It is more confusing than that. Some say the church replaced Israel and is the new Israel.


'Israel' ื™ืฉืจืืœ means 'man ื™ืฉ joined to God ืืœ by revelation ืจ. It always means this. It applies to Jacob, who was a bad man, because God changed him through revelation of his dreams and his encounter wrestling with God in a ditch. It applies to the nation because God changed them through the revelation of the cloud and fire, the laws and judgements in the wilderness, and other such revelations.


It also applies to the children of Abraham. The nation of Israel are descendants of Abraham, but he had other children. They are called 'dust', 'sand by the sea', and 'stars'.


His children called 'dust' are those without the word of God (symbolized by water). The ones called 'sand by the sea' are washed by the word. The ones called stars are those who Jesus called the 'light of the world', which are the lights in the firmament of Ge 1. The church does not replace the nation of Israel, Israel was never the man or the nation. Those are just symbols of those who are changed by the revelation of God.


God's name, Elohim ืืœื”ื™ื, said that God was separated from men by ignorance. He fixes that problem by revelation. Israel, ื™ืฉืจืืœ.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:28 a.m. No.14035710   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Teaching - The bride


The church is called the 'bride of Christ'. This is an important topic to be discussed later. For now we will speak of marriage.


The Hebrew word for marriage is 'laqach' ืœืงื—. Without knowing any Hebrew, you can know that whenever you see the lamed ืœ in a word, it has something to do with teaching. The word for married also means 'doctrine'.


Those who are taught by Christ are his 'bride'. The bride is a symbol. The bride are those whose lives have been changed by revelation, and are known as 'Israel' ื™ืฉืจืืœ, or 'man joined to God by revelation'.


God reveals himself and teaches his own because 'God is separated from men by ignorance' or 'Elohim' ืืœื”ื™ื.


Paul wanted us to understand this when he wrote that women should learn from their husbands. The bride is the church and the husband is Christ. The church should learn from Christ. It is easy to see why people come up with pernicious doctrine subjugating women if they do not understand scripture.


It is the same devil that would have men subjugate women, rather than set them free to love and serve God as God would have.


It was the devil who read scripture in the flesh. He tempted Jesus to turn literal stones into bread. But Jesus understood the mystery hidden in scripture: He was the stone that the builders rejected, the Rock that followed Israel in the desert, and he would become the bread through his suffering and death on the cross.


How you read scripture tells you something of your knowledge of God. Many will say that you cannot read scripture without the Holy Spirit. You may read it all you choose. But you cannot understand scripture until your eyes are opened by God. Your flesh will read it like the devil.


May your heart burnโ€ฆ


Teaching - Garments From the time that God gave Adam and Eve garments made from the skin of sheep, garments have represented works. Adam and Eve's works, in making garments of leaves was insufficient to cover their nakedness (representing sin) before God. They made aprons or loin clothes. God made tunics for them from skins.


There are several words used for generic 'garments'. One is used for the clothing of the priests called beged ื‘ื’ื“ or garments of deceit. They were costumes to show that they were playing a role as a type of Christ. The sacrifices did not give grace; but a promise of grace through the cross.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:28 a.m. No.14035712   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5714

Teaching - Kingdom of heaven


As you read about the Kingdom of heaven there is much confusion. Is it a place in the clouds; an other world-ly place where we go when we die? Is it a Borg-like ship that will descend on Jerusalem?


Without the rules, there is nothing to guide your interpretation, causing endless debates with no standard of truth. The rules say that a symbol must be the same thing everywhere. Notice that this doe not say "every where it is used as a symbol". We have no choice when to read it as a symbol or not.


Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is like leaven. Even here there is a controversy because they allow leaven to be one thing in one place and another thing in another place. Leaven cannot symbolize sin, as some would have us believe.


The Hebrews got rid of leaven before Passover, which is a well-know symbol of the cross. Did they get rid of their sin before the cross? Of course not, or the cross would not have been necessary. They got rid of their old teaching in preparation for the new teaching. Leaven represents teaching.


The word for 'kingdom' is 'mamlakah' ืžืžืœื›ื”. See the lamed ืœ? The kingdom has something to do with teaching. 'The promise of the Father (in heaven and earth x2) ืž taught ืœ by the Son of God ื› was not understood ื”.' Even as Jesus taught about the Kingdom of Heaven, he was not understood by his hearers.


The kingdom of heaven is like leaven; teaching. Some parables tell how teaching is spread. Some contain the message that God want's taught: Christ and him crucified.


When Jesus said that the Kingdom of heaven was near, he was saying that it is here; his teaching was already here. It is as near as your heart.


We are separated from God by ignorance, joined to him by revelation, marriage is a symbol for doctrine, the bride is a symbol for those who are taught by Christ, and the kingdom is teaching, particularly the teaching of Christ and the cross.


Maybe God is trying to tell us something?

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:28 a.m. No.14035714   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5715


Teaching - Kingdom of heaven 2


How can the Kingdom of heaven be on earth when it is up 'there' somewhere?


There are three heavens: The heaven where birds are, the heaven where stars are, and the heaven where God is. This is a common teaching, but it causes confusion. Since the heaven where stars are is above the heaven where birds are, we reason that the heaven where God is must be above the stars. This is false.


Gen 1:1 says that God created the heavens. The word used shamayim ืฉืžื™ื is a dual form of 'heaven'. He created two heavens; where the birds are and where the stars are. But the third heaven is not where God is. "The heaven of heavens cannot contain theeโ€ฆ". There is nothing bigger than God to contain God.


Now think carefully. How many things are self-existent? Nothing in the heaven where the birds areืช is self-existent; they were created. Nothing where the stars are is self-existent; they were created. Only God is self-existentืฃ the third heaven is God himself. When you are in heaven, you are in God.


It is improper to say that God is everywhere. It is proper to say that everywhere is in God. Nothing is bigger than God. And if everywhere is in God, then every-thing is in God. It is improper to say that God is in everything.


The word 'heaven' ืฉืžื™ื reflects this. John says that there are three in heaven who testify: The Father ืž, Word ื, and Spirit ืฉ. The word shamem ืฉืžื means 'desolate'. Heaven was desolateโ€ฆ God was desolate, until he created, represented by the yod ื™.


Saying that God is desolate sounds like it should be some kind of heresy. It's not. It simply says that God had not yet created. He was not the creator until he created. Notice where creation (the yod ื™) is: It is between the two mems ืžื™ื. It is between the Father ืž and the son ื. That is exactly where creation is. It is because the Son's love for the world, that he had to die and be separated from the Father.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:29 a.m. No.14035715   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5717


Teaching - Jerusalem


The center of Jewish life was the temple at Jerusalem. See the lamed in 'Temple' heykal ื”ื™ื›ืœ ? The temple has something to do with teaching. The particular lessons in it's construction and the sacrifices will be covered later.


Jerusalem ื™ืจื•ืฉืืœืโ€Ž is the 'teaching ื™ืจื• of peace ืฉืœื. Jeru ื™ืจื• means 'God's ื™ revelation ืจ made clear ื•' or 'Jehovah's ื™ื• heart of revelation ืจ'. God has a heart of revelation or 'teaching'.


Salem ืฉืœื means 'peace'. It's construction is 'reputation ืฉื of teaching ืœ.


Jerusalem is the city that God chose to carry his reputation. (1Ki 11:36) His desired reputation is that he reveals himself and teaches in peace.


This is the purpose of the temple in Jerusalem. The sacrifices were a symbols of how peace with God was made possible through the death of the Son of God.


'Temple' ื”ื™ื›ืœ means 'wo ื”ื™ at the Son of God's ื› teaching ืœ'. It was a woeful place as people repented and confessed their sin; but it was in Jerusalem - the teaching of peace with God.


Peace with God is the 'good news' or the 'gospel'. Jerusalem is a symbol of the Gospel. What happened at Jerusalem? A Holy God was placed in the hands of sinful men to be offered as the sacrifice for sin and produce peace with God. It was a great and terrible day; the day of the cross, the day of the Lord.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:29 a.m. No.14035717   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5720


Teaching - New Jerusalem


'Jerusalem' means 'teaching of peace', so the 'New Jerusalem' is the new teaching of peace.


When the Hebrews removed leaven from their homes, they were not symbolically removing their sin, but removing the old teaching of the law in preparation for the teaching of peace.


During the sermon on the mount, Jesus repeatedly said "You have heard it saidโ€ฆ but I sayโ€ฆ". He was ushering in the new teaching of peace. The kingdom (teaching) of heaven was "at hand". It was there in front of them in the teaching of Jesus.


John says, "Re 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God," This is not literal, but a symbol. You are the temple of God.


"and he shall go no more out" You can't leave the temple; you are his.


"and I will write upon him the name of my God" You will have the reputation of God. The word for 'heaven' shamayim ืฉืžื™ื is 'the reputation ืฉืž of creation ื™ finished by the son ื. You are the reputation of God.


When Moses return from the mountain with the law, and the people were worshiping a golden calf, God was going to destroy them all and start over with just Moses. Moses interceded saying that the nations would deride God because he could not save his people. It was for God's reputation that they were spared.


We are not spared because we are good people. We are spared because God's reputation is on the line. He is Holy; he is Love. This is the message of the cross.


The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of the reputation of God, made through his work in finishing his creation. The New Jerusalem, the new teaching of peace, was the plan from the beginning.


The new teaching of peace come down from heaven, not physically from a high place to a low, but in his incarnation and condescension. God lowered himself so that we might be lifted up. Then he dwelt within us. His teaching is not in words only, but in the lives of his people.


He gives us a new name, a new reputation, that of God himself; we are holy, we are love. Our new name is Israel; man joined to God by revelation.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:30 a.m. No.14035720   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Teaching - Born again


There is so much confusion about what it means to be 'born again'. The notarikon of the word 'born' yalad ื™ืœื“ makes it's meaning clear.


'Yalad' is the 'hand ื™ื“ of teaching ืœ, where 'hand' is a symbol of works. Being born is the work of being taught. When you are born, you are like Adam, you are separated from God by ignorance; Elohim. You must be taught to know him. It is the beginning of that work. He began the good work in you, and he will finish it.


Being 'born again' means that you are taught again. Like the Hebrews at Passover, you have put aside the old teaching of the law, and have been taught by Christ of the new teaching of peace, or the New Jerusalem.


Jesus said you must be born of water, representing teaching by being the lives of the people who were created ื™ and then finished by the son ื. He said you must also be born of the Spirit, or taught by the Spirit. Incidentally, Spirit ruwach ืจื•ื— means 'revelation ืจ clarified ื• for understanding ื—. It is the Spirit who teaches.


He said that man does not live by bread alone; a symbol of the cross, since he said it was his body given for us, but by every word from the mouth of God (water).


Being born again is the same as being the bride of Christ; you are taught by Christ, by his Spirit. It is the same as being Israel; man joined to God by revelation. It is the same as being a member of the kingdom of heaven; having entered into his teaching.


It is the same as being God's ื™ son ืœื“.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:30 a.m. No.14035721   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5724

Teaching - Saved


There is more confusion about salvation and what we are saved from. Again notarikon makes the meaning clear.


'His salvation' yasha ื™ืฉืข breaks into 'his flesh ื™ืข with the increase ืฉ in his heart (in the middle of the word). His flesh; his body, is the church; the saved.


What distinguishes the saved is what is in their heart. The letter shin ืฉ has one leg coming down and two returning. The right leg is God's word coming to earth. It returns on the left as two. This is the increase of the word.


The saved are those who have a love for the increase of the word. They have a love for teaching. The increase of the word represented by the shin ืฉ also refers to those who have been taught by the word, or as mentioned previously, the bride or the church. It may be said that the saved are those who love the brethren.


When a rich man approached Jesus asking what to do to "inherit eternal life", Jesus equated it with "enter the kingdom of God". The men hearing him equated it with being saved. The answer was that only God could save you.


What then are you saved from? You are saved from being separated from God by ignorance: Elohim ืืœื”ื™ื. What then? Are we saved by teaching? No! It would have been the greatest tragedy if Jesus had died on the cross and no one knew it. The cross was the culmination of his teaching of who the Father is. It is the cross which makes the teaching effectual. "The preaching of the cross is โ€ฆ the power of God unto salvationโ€ฆ" If there was no cross, there could be no teaching.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:31 a.m. No.14035724   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5729


Teaching - The cross


What is the teaching or preaching of the cross?


A typical short answer is: Jesus died for your sins. You can already discern, in the context of the discussion on teaching, that there is something missing here. It does not answer the question of "How does the cross reveal the invisible Father? Rememeber, man is separated from God by ignorance: Elohim.


How does the death of Jesus make the Father known if no one teaches or preaches it? Jesus told his disciples to go into all the world teachingโ€ฆ


Most theologians agree on some central points:


  1. It is the culmination of God's revelation.


  1. It is where Gods holiness and his love meet.


  1. It is where one may be set free from the penalty and power of sin.


However, the use of the words is where the agreement ends.


If it is the 'culmination of God's revelation', why do they look for bigger and greater revelation in some end times event? Now they may shy away from confessing that the "end times" are bigger and greater, but 'culmination means 'climax'. Certainly the way the Book of Revelation is preached is as the climax of all human history.


What does it mean that holiness and love meet? To some it means that The Father (of Old Testament fame), who is mean and judgemental, meets the Son (of New Testament fame), who is gentle and kind. The Father killed the Son whom he loves more than anything, to show us how much he loves us, though it isn't as much as he loves the Son. This is not real encouraging.


What is the penalty of sin? Is it consequences in this world? Death? Eternal separation from God forever? Writhing pain and anguish in a burning hell forever? There is no agreement among those who learned to interpret scripture from the Greek church.


What is the power of sin? An inability to control one's desires? A possession by an evil entity?


As these questions are placed in the context of the foundational truth that man is separated from God by ignorance: Elohim, the answers to these questions will become clear.


The preaching of the cross is more than: Jesus died for your sins.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:32 a.m. No.14035729   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5730


Cross - Culmination of revelation


If the history of mankind is seen as a stage, then one view of the cross being the culmination of revelation, is that the Old Testament tells how the stage is set in order for Jesus to die on the cross. The future end times is the last chapter on how the world ends. In this view, nothing in the Old Testament speaks of Christ, but only of things that the author and his immediate audience would know.


In this view the classic prophecy of the virgin birth of Christ is reduced to a mere local event concerning the birth of a child to a young woman and is intended to indicate a time-frame, of about 9 months, of when the prophecy will occur. This view is held by many scholars and is taught in most Evangelical Seminaries, to some degree. This is the source of the long-running debate between them, if the word translated 'virgin' should really be 'young woman', to specifically indicate that it did not speak of Jesus.


The most popular view among Christians is that within the history of mankind, small hints are dropped concerning the cross. These hints are inspired by God, and the author may or may not realize what he is saying about the cross. The prophecy of the virgin birth is celebrated at Christmas as speaking of his birth.


The truth is that the history certainly does tell how the stage is set up for Jesus to die on the cross, but it tells more. There are small hints dropped concerning Christ and the cross, but it is more.


The Old Testament is more like a symphony. The literal-historical record speaks of building the stage, bringing the players together on stage, and sitting them in their assigned places. John the baptist is the first violinist who prepares the way for the author/conductor. The same texts are the score for the symphony to be played.


As Jesus steps up, he calls the Orchestra and audience to attention. The introduction is short. Genesis 1 establishes the melody of the cross in six variations followed by an intermission.


The first variation expresses the melody of the cross in the theme of Holiness and Love, law and and grace, as two competing characters in the priesthood of God. It is played by solo soprano trumpet and bass. The tension established on day one of creation will thread it's way through the whole performance as a dissonant duet, finally resolving in a harmony on the cross.


The second variation introduces the instruments which will represent the tension established on the first day. The brass will be be bold, obvious and loud, speaking to the flesh. It startles; it shouts; it demands attention like a misplaced pep band. It is the voice of the king waking the sleeping or distracted audience. When it speak loudly, and it always speaks loudly, it conceals the more subtle voices of the other sections.


The violas are quiet and peaceful; they play as one, never demanding, never seeking attention; yet are the foundational wall of sound which permit the other instruments to rise above as they each express the melody of the cross.


At the cross, the voice of the brass will be brought down; muted, and blend with the violas as one voice.


In the third variation, a hidden oboe is given the lead. It is a harsh voice of desolation and loneliness, it will be pervasive through the the score, like general revelation. It is the voice of the judge speaking of separation from God. It is like the swan honking amongst cooing doves.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:32 a.m. No.14035730   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5731


The fourth variation of the melody is the first, but the trumpet is joined by all the brass and woodwinds; The bass is joined by all the strings. The tension expressed in the first is amplified in the fourth. It is as if the world has gone crazy. In the first, the tension was between two voices, and is now a raging war.


The fifth expression of the melody is an expansion of the second. but the roles are reversed. At first it sounds like a bigger version of the second with more instruments playing. During the course of variation, the instruments exchange their melodies.


In the sixth variation, all the variations are walked together, each variation joining the main as one. There is an illusion of harmony, but something just isn't right. From time to time the oboe honks. The loneliness of the third variant is contrasted by the unity of the sixth, excepting the oboe. In the middle, there is solo oboe crying "Why hast thou forsaken me". A moment of silence. Then the conductor is revealed to be the hidden oboist. He plays the new song. The new song is passed from instrument to instrument. Each instrument joins the 'congregation' as it learns the new song. The new song is the old song, but now in harmony with the oboe. They all play together with the oboe in the lead.


This is just a brief introduction. Each variation is given it's own movement.


In the first movement, the oboe moves the melody from trumpet to bass and back.


In the second, the oboe plays with each section.


The cry of the oboe is echoed by the rest of the orchestra in the third.


In the fourth, the oboe begins with one side and moves to the other.


In the fifth the oboe carries the melody from one side to the other.


The sixth is played out as stated above.


The introduction is short, and the role of the oboe is not made clear in it. In each movement, it's role becomes more clear.

Anonymous ID: 966aff July 2, 2021, 2:33 a.m. No.14035731   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Cross - Holiness and love meet


The cross is the culmination of God's revelation to man. Jesus said "It is finished" as he died. He had finished the revelation of the invisible Father.


The creation account tells of the creation of the heavens and the earth. After the sixth day, when the work of God was done, he rested. There is a two-letter Hebrew word in Genesis that is not translated, but it should be. "Ath" is used twice in verse 1 "In the beginning God created the 'ath' heavens and the 'ath' earth.


It is spelled with the first and the last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It means 'all' or 'everything in' the heavens and the earth. The first verse which tells of the whole of creation as an introduction, also tells of it's ending; "It is finished".


As the story is told in six parts, or days, each representing a portion of scripture, and therefore a portion of time, it should not surprise us that at the end of creation, in Ge 2:1 it says, "Thus the heavens and the earth were finishedโ€ฆ". "It is finished"


Jesus was declaring that the work of creation was now finished with the cross. No man had seen the Father but him, and now in his death, no man would see the Father except through his finished work. But the finished work is not of the cross alone, no more so than the final chip of the master's chisel is the finished work of a statue. The statue is the finished workโ€ฆ the whole statue.


The work of Christ began before creation when he was called the Son or the Word. Creation itself was his work to reveal the father. He gave the law to Israel, he walked and taught among us. Then he died and rose again, all to reveal the Father. His work on earth was done, at the cross.


As we described the Bible as a symphony, we need not create an allegory to describe the revelation of holiness and love of the Father. God created one for us.


In the garden there were two trees, the tree of Life representing his Love, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of death, representing his holiness. The revelation of the father tells us that he is the author of both life and death, but also that he is Holy and Love.


As the revelation of the Father continues through the law, there are laws that appear silly and capricious. Do not mix


seeds in your vineyard

ox and donkey in the yoke

wool and linen in clothing


But each has a riddle concerning mixing holiness/law and love/grace.


Seed grows from the ground by work under the curse, where fruit is a gift of the vine. Wine is actually a symbol of grace.


Within the word for 'ox' is 'singing' and the 'word increasing'; but in the word for 'donkey' is 'death'.


Within the word for 'mixed linen and wool' is the word 'satan', and wool has the word for death, while linen has the symbol for the 'increase of the word'.


When we mix the ideas of holiness and love, we always confuse it. If the prisoner gets to go free, we don't marvel at the grace, we complain that there is no justice. If we get caught, we don't marvel at the justice, but complain that there is no grace.


To understand that the Father is both Holy and Love, Jesus mixed them perfectly on the cross. His holiness was demonstrated by the Son being made separate from the Father "Why have you forsaken me?"; and his love demonstrated toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. "It is finished".