Anonymous ID: d85129 July 1, 2021, 11:27 p.m. No.14035314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I had a dream a few nights ago. I was caught in the middle of C_A infighting physically shuffled into Suburban and rolled out as GH seemed to have some upset. I hope everybody is good no matter your allegiance.

Anonymous ID: d85129 July 2, 2021, 12:14 a.m. No.14035438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5445


You should not forge to gain for yourself from another without their knowledge or consent then pretend you would even have an opp without them. Like they're the problem. After that, you find glee in watching them suffer from the gaping hole torn in their network security and privacy then go on to say get a job like everything is normal. Nevermind us watching while we know you know we know. I'm coming for you spiteful shills pretending to be big daddy fat sacks on somebody else's dime Gaining allegiance from those you deceive and pay with somebody else's money. Then deny the beneficiary a crumb. It's His to judge, but it's my due diligence to recover here on Earth. I forgive you, but I'll never forget.