Ah yes the old “be open-minded” adage. That’s a toxic way to influence people to accept falsities and other immoralities. One should be as closed minded as possible in reality. They have successfully made people believe that closed mindedness is a singular thought process whereby “fairness” is omitted and only negative, tunnel vision like thought takes place. Open-mindedness is a trick. The truth is exclusive and only a closed mind can accept the truth for what it is. People who still have a closed mind are labeled with the nastiest of labels like “racist”, “bigot”, “homophobic” , and so on. They have played on people’s emotions to successfully trick them into believing their nonsense about being open-minded. It’s a trick and a lie straight from the bowels of hell.
Great speech for this July 4th weekend. I wish you had a national platform so you could share it with the whole country