celebrating independence you don't have, taking a break against the war for said independence, is a perfect example of how you are on the enemies game plan. You faggots will raise a flag and light fires with fireworks, celebrating freedom for: democrats
illegal immigrants
no law or order
patriots in jail for going to the capitol 1x
BiDan continues to receive positive press from majority of MSM
Fox still pretends to be patriotic (PH loves him some AK) (DB has dirt on HRC/WJC remains silent) (LJ can't separate black from truth, essentially cucked by 1 race of a multi race society)
A 3 day weekend celebrating failure of both the people and the government is as stupid as letting the country have an illegitimate president from a stolen election.
How stupid must you be to think "The Plan" is for the people, not for the government to maintain it's power and authority.
Fucking pretend faggot patriots celebrating a country already lost, unwilling to do the hard work and price to be paid in order for our rights to be protected.
Calling yourselves patriots waving a Chinese made flag, with foreign made fireworks, allowing illegals to flood the country and serve you some drugs alcohol and barbecue eating the food they farmed for you.
A joke of a country for the world to see.
See that this is the plan, USA must be brought down to 3rd world status, and your celebrating instead of fighting is proof to the world order there plan is working, and the USA will be destroyed.
Celebrate the NWO this weekend, it's what your actions are upholding.