Anonymous ID: a5e724 July 2, 2021, 4:23 p.m. No.14039823   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Who is thisJoker???


>Why is the girl on the stage, Chinese?


>Why is the lighting RED when he pops the two red cherries into his mouth

His #2 'cherry' was popped…his anus

>Why does the Chinese girl have such power to levitate him closer?

"She' is a hermaphrodite Baphomet which manifests as the most beautiful thing that is in your mind.

>Why is there a brief flash later of her RED lips with w microphone that looks like a strawberry from the red lighting?

He is killed.

>Is this secret comms to somebody?

Afflatus communications

>Who is the owner (as in slave owner) of this artist?

Lucifer. He sold his soul to the devil.

The character he plays was then killed as someone ELSE'S Faustian sacrifice. He played the game and lost. He has entered the afterlife in the 'Duece Coupe' which has two seats, one for him and one for Lucifer under the full moon, after a ritual sacrifice.